"You called me?" Chuck said, confused. He noticed Y/N's uneasiness quickly spared her a glance, but then looked back at Cas. "My prayer? That's why you're here?" Cas asked.  "Yeah. Well, that and... him." Cas looked at him, confused. "Jack. He's a problem." "Yeah, well if you had answered us before maybe this wouldn't have happened." Y/N said, glaring at Chuck. As soon as the words left her mouth she wanted to take them back, but it was too late now. She had already said them. "Excuse me?" Chuck asked, not believing what he heard. "You heard me." Cas put a hand on Y/N's shoulder, telling her to stop. Only a Winchester would tell off God.

Cas and Chuck had talked for a little bit longer and Chuck brought them to where Sam and Dean were. Y/N's eye's widened as she saw the state of everyone in the building. There was a man tearing up paper, chanting the words "I hate everyone." A woman was on the ground, crying. Her shoe was missing and she was rocking back and forth, saying that she just wanted to be loved. There were also two men fighting over some stolen yogurt and that's not all. There was more. So much more.

"You see, this is why people need to lie. It's good. Keeps the peace, you know?" Chuck said. "Seems like an odd stance for... you." Cas said. "Is it? I'm a writer. Lying's kinda what we do." Chuck shrugged. "Sam! Dean!" Cas yelled and began to search for the Winchester boys. Y/N followed, not wanting to be alone with Chuck. Especially since she called him out, but right before she followed Cas she saw a piece of paper fly across the room and hit Chuck in the face. She tried to hide her smile as she walked behind Cas, not wanting Chuck to know she had found that funny. "Dad! Sam!" Y/N yelled once her dad and uncle hadn't answered.

The next moment a door to an office opened and Dean's head popped out. "Cas? Y/N? How'd you guys get here?" Dean asked. "He brought us." Cas said, pointing to Chuck behind him. "Hey, guys!" Chuck said enthusiastically. Sam and Dean's eyes widened as they saw him enter the room. Dean closed the door behind Chuck. "I know what you're thinking- it's been a while, and I still look pretty good." Chuck said, gesturing to his face. Y/N almost let out a scoff, but held it in. "No, that's- that's not what we were thinking." Sam said. "Where the hell have you been?" Dean asked as Chuck sat down.

"Well, you know, it's a funny story. It reminds me of a song." Chuck pulled a guitar out of nowhere and Y/N furrowed her brows. Yeah, she knew he was God, but that was still kinda cool. Chuck began to play the guitar when Dean grabbed it out of his hands and began smashing it on the ground. "Answer the damn question!" Dean yelled once he was finished. "Don't!" Chuck yelled angrily, pointing a finger at Dean. Everyone in the room tensed and Chuck noticed this. He quickly calmed down and let out a sigh. "It's a little cramped in here, don't you think?" Chuck asked. He then snapped his fingers and everyone was suddenly in the bunker.

"There. That's better. So... how's things? Okay, look. I get it. All right, I'm from the Deus from the machina, and you have questions. So, great. Go." Chuck said. "Yeah, like Dean said, where have you been?" Sam asked. Chuck sighed. "It's hard to explain. Um... everywhere and nowhere, to the edge of the universe and beyond. And I saw Springsteen on Broadway. Man's a genius." "What about Amara?" Dean asked. "She's been with me. Yeah, it's been nice reconnecting after the whole "trying to murder me and end all existence" thing." "Where is she now?" Cas asked. "Reno. Turns out she loves kino." "And you're here because..." Dean began to ask. "Because of Jack." Cas answered.

Chuck pointed at Cas, signaling he was right. "Listen, you guys know me. I'm hands-off. I built the sandbox- you play in it. You want to fight Leviathans? Cool. You got that. You want to go up against- what was it? "British Men of Letters"? Okay. Little weak, but okay. But when things get really bad, like the Apocalypse or the Other Apocalypse, that's when I have to step in." "So you're saying Jack is Apocolyptic?" Sam asked. "The kid said, "Stop lying," and I don't know if you noticed, but the world kinda went insane." Chuck flicked his wrist and the radio turned on. A couple of different stations went on, all basically saying the world was ending, but the last one had thrown everyone off.

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