F O R T Y - O N E

Start from the beginning

Letting out a shakey breath I open up the top box's lid, the contents causing my chest to heave up and down at a rapid rate. I shut the box as I shut my eyes, you've got to do this. I try to give myself a pep talk, you've held this off for too long.

I place the top box to the side and raise the next one, putting it on the plush baby pink ornament as I take a seat next to the box.

I raise the lid and glance inside, photo albums and photo frames greeting my eyes. I pull out a frame and her smile greets me as soon as I turn it over. Her almond nut coloured skin, deep brown eyes and dark enough to be mistaken for black waist length hair looking as vibrant as they always do.

She didn't look this vibrant in the dream.

"I'm so sorry."

It's two days later when I walk into Khalil's office, my office, just as he hangs up the phone. He glances up at me before raising a brow, "Oh, well, hello brother. I didn't think you knew your way around the house anymore."

I narrow my eyes at him before I take a seat, "I have something to discuss with you."

"Okay?" He can obviously hear the seriousness in my tone, he knows something worth while will come of this.

He sets aside his work and gives me his full attention and for the first time in years. I actually inspect my brother, his hair still looks as perfect as it ever was but the rest of him looks tired. He looks so exhausted, I know being Alpha takes a lot out of you but I never expected it to take so much from him.

I've been so selfish.

It has almost been two years since he took over and it has already taken a toll on him. I used to think the first born was given the position mainly because they are... well, older but I've slowly come to realise it has more to do with the Alpha within them.

I've met several first born Alpha's and several second and third born Alpha's and the aura radiating off of them isn't the same. First borns have much more power in them and authority, with second borns and below it dwindles.

It's still powerful enough for someone else to feel that they're an Alpha. Or even for first born Beta's to submit to them but to a first born Alpha? It's barely anything to blink at.

My brother is a second born, this isn't his position and added to that I know he doesn't want it, never did. Being Alpha has never been something he ever cared to be but when Samira —

"Did you come in here to stare at me because I'm sure there are photos of me all around this house, you can stare at them whilst deep in thought. You don't have to do it in my office." Khalil looks away and continues to type away at the keyboard.

I smile at his words, his dry humour used to annoy me at some point but now I thoroughly enjoy it.

"I'm ready to take my position back."

His brows dip as a crease appears between them, "Excuse me?"

I sigh as I sit back in the chair, "Yeah, I think it's time to step up again."

He shakes his head, "Raheem, you don't have to do this. We don't need the pack to suffer again, we don't need —"

"Khalil, I said I'm ready." He still does not look convinced.

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