Girl's Weekend

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Angela was standing at the desk of the spa that her and her best friend Kristen were at for their girl's weekend. She had a blank stare while she tapped her nails on the desk. Kristen snapped her out of it. 

K: Hey. Hey Angie! 

A: Huh? Oh hey yea. 

K: Um what kind of special do you want? 

A: Oh um I will uh..take the crannberry one. 

K: (speaks to receptionist) Okay she will have the cranberry one. 

The receptionist wrote down their request and Kristen and and Angie proceeded to the back to get changed into their robes. When they came back out they walked down a narrow hallway to the massage rooms. They engaged in some conversation during the beginning of the massage until the rubbing got intense. They eventually stoped asking eachother questions and exchanged their words with groans of pradise. 

Hours later they both were coming to an end to their day at the spa and nails and feet where at the end of the list. Angela and Kristen used this time to talk about Angela's incident the night before. 

K: Okay so this guy basically comes out of no where, goes through your car and purse, and puts his hands on you? My god Angie. 

A: Umhm. Dont forget he pulled a knife out on me too. 

K: Oh girl im so sorry that happended to you. Damn the one time you park in the parking garage. (shakes head) I just thank God your still alive girl. 

A: Yea I know right. Lets just go ahead and say my ass wont be late to work no more! 

They both laugh at Angie's comment. They continued to talk till they left out the spa completely refreshed women. They hopped in Kristen's Mercedes Benz and headed to Angie's place. When there they said their goodbyes and Kristen dropped her off. "Hey dont forget you gotta hook up with me and the girls tonight at the club okay?" Kristen reminded her. "Oh yea of course I wont forget thanks girlie!" Kristen drove off when she made sure Angie was safely inside her house. Angie locked the door behind her and put her purse on the counter in the kitchen. She then went to her bedroom and changed into something comfortable. Her choice of sweats and a t shirt. It was nice to not be dressed up like she always does during the week. She got on her bed and decided to watch some TV. She was flipping through channels since there wasnt much ton look at. The news was on so she decided to watch. 

Hi, I am Karen Stevens and today on News 14 we have important news on wheather, business, and entertainment. But first, new updates on the activities of the notorious gang Criminals Crew. 

Angela was just about to change the channel when her interest was sparked about the gang news. She turned the television up.

To recap off of last months Criminal Crew news the National Bank of America building that was vandalized is still in the process of rebuilding. The stains from the spray paint spelling out some sign indicates that it is indeed the work of Criminals Crew. 

Angela looked in shock at the video that was being shown on the screen. "Dang thats harsh" she thought. The sign on the building in spray paint was two hands crossing at the wrist in the shape of the letter 'C'. It was messed up what they did to the building but Angie could admit it was pretty crafty and creative how they did it. 

Yes the Criminals Crew is on rise and is on the way to being the most dangerous gang since the early 1990's. They are known for preying on innocent or weak individuals, mainly women in their early twenties to late thirties. And ladies they are not easy on you, so be careful. A few outside sources say that out of the many individuals that they have murdered were young women in that age range. They will kidnap them and each crew member will take their turn with her raping and abusing her. Then depending on what their leader says, the punishment of death will be something very harsh and horrifying.

Angela began to get sweaty palms and shake a little making her tempeature rise in fear.

The Leaders of this Crew are named Larry and Laurent Nicolas Bourgeois, twins From Paris, France. They snuck over here to the US during their teenage years and have been living in hiding until they turned 20yrs of age. Here are their mugshots. If you see these two or any other crew members please do not approach them for they are extremley dangerous. Larry and Laurent usually do not show their faces which is why we only have these mugshots of what they look like. A physical description would be their sleeve and forearm tattoos opposite of eachother, Larry usually keeps twist in his hair and Laurent with a fro, they are both 6ft 4 inches tall with coffee brown skin. When they commit their crimes they usually wear all black ski masks exposing the eyes like in this photo here. 

When the photos appeared on the screen Angela dropped the remote in shock. OH MY GOD!!! She recognized the photo on the right. It was him, her attacker. She was at a lost for words. Every bad thought filled her head at that point. She got up off her bed and paced back and forth in frustration. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god." She repeated to herself. "What if he finds me and rapes me too? OR worse...kill me..Ahhhhh! No!" She stopped panicking for a second to listen to the rest of what the news reporter was saying. 

Remember ladies and Gentleman these are dangerous men all alone. Dont be caught victim to their crew. Their latest criminal acts have been occuring in the bussiest part of the city, between Liberty and 3rd street. Until these Criminals are caught, do not be seen alone on these streets at anytime. Day or night. Thats all for these 30 minutes, we will return on News 14. 

Angela turned the television off. She had to tell Kristen about this. She quickly shot her a text that read, Hey what street is that club on that we are going to tonight? She waited patiently for her to respond. Her heart pounded with every waking moment she waited. Finally she texted her back. On Liberty and 3rd, why?

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