The Call

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The middle of the week came fast since the trial the Saturday before. Angie was sitting at her desk going throug a few papers. She stopped for a second to rub her temples in frustration. "Ugh god." She mummbled to herself. At that moment her supervisor Johnathan walked in. 

J: Hellooo my lovely flower! oo!....honey you dont look so good. 

A: Johnathan...*sigh* What the hell is wrong with me?! 

J:......Hmmm...well i dont know what is wrong with you? 

Johnathan went over to her desk and sat on the corner real sassy as she paused to figure out what she wanted to say. 

J: Is it about this you taking custody of Larry's daughter thing? 

A: (deep sigh)...yea. 

J: Oh sweetie dont beat yourself up over this. Hey! Ya did the right thing whether you think so or not. Who the hell knows where that child would be if you didnt take her? 

A: Yea you are right.

J: Of course im right!...(rumage around desk) im also right about that job promotion....

A: (squint eyes)

J: What! HEY Im your boss I just want you to be successful!!

A: John no offense, but we cant talk about this right now. 

J: Alright fine just..lets just talk later. But be careful with time its almost time for you to head home and pick up Lilo from daycare. (points at clock) 

A: Wait what? (looks at clock) OH SHIT!!!  

The clock read 5:52pm on her desk. She was supposed to have been gone but it was because of the paper work she had to stay longer. But most importantly, the way Lilo's day care is set up, there is a 25 dollar fine if you dont pick them up before 6 o'clock when they close. And Angie was not wanting to pay it. She ran out of the hospital to her car and sped down the street to pick her up. As soon as she got there she quickly jumped up to run up the stairs to the doors. One of the teachers were walking out with Lilo in hand. Her jacket was already on complete with bookbag on her back and lunch box in her hand. The teacher was furious. "Your late." she spoke to Angie in a harsh tone. "I know I know! Im so sorry I wont be late next time." she said as she picked up Lilo. The teacher put her hands on her elderly hips and looked Angie up and down. "Mmmhmm. Child you know what to do." She held out her hand. Angie looked at it and then at the teacher. "*sigh* I'll get my wallet. 

Angie and Lilo walk into the house and immediately Lilo speaks to her. "She say if you dont pick me up on time she won keep me no more." She looked up at Angie with sad eyes. "Its okay honey dont worry about that." Angie reassured her. "But she say she gonna..gonna lee me outside in deh dawk if you no pick me up on deh time." Angie laughed at her bad childlike grammar. "No baby no one is gonna leave my baby outside." When she said that she leaned down and kissed her forehead. Lilo looked at her confused. "I no your baby I my daddy baby!" Angie was a little taken back by her sassy little comment but she didnt see it necessary to start the ass whoopings just yet, so she steered the conversation in another direction. " Well how about this since your in my house and I take care of you, you are my baby. Now go to your room and play while I fix dinner okay?" "Okay!" Lilo ran off to go play while Angie prepared their meal.

LL: Mmmm this good!

A: Good. close your mouth when you eat baby.

LL: ......okay (mouth full of food)

After another plate of food for the both of them Angie was stuffed and Lilo had food all over her face. Angie wiped it with a wet cloth and sent her to the bathroom to wash up. She ran a warm bath for her and put some toys in the water to keep her entertained while she washed her up. suddenly downstairs the phone rang. "Stay here baby im gonna get that okay?" "Okay" Lilo said as she played with her toy. Angie ran down the stairs to retrieve the phone from the kitchen.

A: Hello?

Voice: You have a collect call from, Larry Bourgeois, do you accept? 

A: ...yes. 

Angie had no idea what was going on. She didnt even know Larry could get phone calls this early in prison. It was so soon. 

L: Allo? Angie? You there belle? 

A: Um uh.. here. 

L: Oh perfect. Is my baby there? 

A: Yea she is um. Upstairs taking a bath im about to go back up and get her out the tub. 

L: Oh! when you get there lemme talk to her I needa hear her voice, to know she okay. 

A: (changes face) Larry you know what I said. She is fine. 

L: I dont care give her the phone. Now. 

Angela was a bit offended by his smart remark. He cant just boss her around over the phone she could easily hang up on him. She had the upper hand. But she pushed the thoughts out of her head when she took the phone and gave it to Lilo. "Here baby. Your daddy wanna talk to you." Lilo immediately dropped her toys in the water with an extremly excited expression on her face. "DADDY!!" Angie held the phone to her ear as her tiny soapy hand covered hers. 

LL: Hey daddy! what you doin? 

L: Hey booboo! I love you and I miss you! 

LL: I lub you and miss you too! 

L: Daddy is in a place far away right now okay. Thats why we no together. You stay with Mrs. Angie right now for a little bit. Yea? 

LL: Yea papa, she got a BIG BIG house! (make gestures with hands) It got food and toys and closh.

L: Uh baby what was that last thing? 

LL: Deh closh daddy. I got a lot of closh in my closet in my wroom. 

L: ahah! what kinda clothes baby? 

LL: I got dresses, skirts, shirts, annnn-(looks at Angie) 

Angie mouthed the words 'outfits' to her to say to Larry. 

LL: And ourfits. Daddy they so Pwitty! 

L: Haha! Awww my baby you so sweet I love you! you love daddy? (sad expression) 

LL: Yes daddy I lub you. When you come back? 

Larry was hoping she wasnt gonna ask that. He knew she wouldnt be able to understand so he changed the subject. 

L: Baby I gotta go right now so hand the phone back to Angie okay? 

LL: Okay daddy. Bye bye 

L: Bye bye baby. 

Lilo handed the phone back to Angie as she continued to play. Angie put the phone in between her ear and shoulder as she reached for the towel and plug to let out the water. 

A: Hey its me. She asked where you were didnt she? 

L: Yea she did. She so smart for her age, she know im no able to see her because something bad. I taught her early that cops take bad people. Angie she see me in the backseat of cop car. She know something wrong. I feel like shit. 

A: Hey stop. Dont beat yourself up. Everything will be okay. 

L: Yea I hope so. You know I get bail right? 

A: Bail? What? Bu-but Larry your in Prison arent you? 

L: No I in Jail right now. The prison that they were gonna send me, is getting some reconstruction so they cant take in anymore inmates. So I guess I stuck her for at least 6 to 8 months and since I am, I get baill. Aint that good? 

Angie didnt know whether or not to be happy or afraid for her safety. If he does get out on bail within those few months he will be back out doing the same stupid shit he does with his crew. But if anything changes she hope that he will at least let Lilo still go to school like he wants her to do. 

A: Um...yea I guess..La- 

L: Oh shit I gotta go belle they rushing me off the phone the time up. Take care of my baby like you been doing okii 

A: But Larry I- wait! - 


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