January 2026 Couple Therapy

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Mandy's Pov ...

It's the 1st of January 2026 7 years me and Nathan have been married.

" Hurry up " I scream up the stairs 

" ughhh " I hear in response making me walk outside and sit in the car.

7 years since our wedding 7 years since we have been married and yet we haven't changed one bit we haven't aged in any way but we have grown inside learned to live with each other cause heaven knows we can't live without each other there's been good times really good times over the years like the time he took me to watch a set of shooting stars and the rain poured as we was waiting it came down heavy soaking both of us and I attached my lips to his and made him promise me it would last Forever and of course he did so much has happened over this period of time good and bad but today as I wait in the car to go to couples therapy I wonder what's next ? .

Nathan gets into the car and my eyes scan what he is wearing his signature look of course what did I expect.

" Morning " the voice I have grown so fond of speaks full of rasp 

" Is it ? it's past afternoon " I say rolling my eyes but my lips quirk up into a half smile anyway 

" Mhm " He mutters in response making me stifle a giggle as we pull out of the drive way and head off into town. 

I drift off into my own thoughts about the last 7 years the wedding the good times the bad times and everything that came in between but I wouldn't change any of it would I ?.

" What " Nathan asks me as we pull into the building startling me from my own thoughts 

" What's churning around in that head of yours babe ? " He asks and my eyes stare at the way his lips vocalize the words and his eyes.

I'm distracted momentarily " N.nothing " I reply and he smirks 

And then like that Nathan's eyes look to the building in front of us and I can almost see the frost glaze over in them he unbuckles his seat belt and get's out slamming the car door making me jump. 

" Wait " I shout as he storms off ahead I zoom and catch up with him as we walk through the big glass door.

" What the hell's is your problem " I say my voice low as we enter the quiet building walking towards the reception desk  

" This " He gestures with his hand to the surrounding and I swallow to keep my composure.

OK So I booked us in for a Couples Therapy session big deal it shouldn't be too hard talking about our problems to a stranger right ? 

" Names ? " The human blonde with way too much lip gloss on asks us as we approach I can tell Nathan has taken an instant dislike to her before he has even spoken.

" M.." I begin but 

" Bond " Nathan smirks at me " Nathan Bond " He rests both is arms on the counter and fishes a min  from the bowl and pops it into his mouth 

" Ha ha " The girl says not amused at all " Real names " She asks and I dislike her too bitch 

" Nathan Greyson and Mandy Greyson " I reply with a half smile she taps away at something on the keyboard.

" Oh couples Therapy ha um that is on the second floor " She says and tries to hide the sarcasm in her voice and the next thing I know.

" Tomorrow maybe go easy on the lips gloss and stop been such a judgmental bitch " Nathan says to the blonde he has gripped in his hand compelling her to do as he says 

The Pale Faces 3Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon