This is it

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It was two weeks after I had sent the email, I remember discussing with my boss, the struggles I was having with reaching anyone from the fire department. She had mentioned that I talk to someone she knew from a fire department near her but I had my mind set on the two that I applied for.
Finally, I got an email back, I remember getting in contact with a young lad. He requested that I swing by the station to pick up an application and he would give me a tour.
I was ecstatic.
When I went to pick up my application, I followed the directions on my gps that lead me to a long driveway with a welcoming pond. A feeling of contentment settled over me, but was quickly over run by a "holy shit. This is actually happening." Mentality.
The building stood on top of a hill and I pictured it as the next mountain placed in my life for me to climb. The sun was still high, I took a deep breath before turning off my car.
I was met by a gentleman who asked me a few questions, and another young man had also stopped by for an application.
The man was a little shorter in height, with a dry personality and a dull smile. Someone you would have expected to meet at a funeral. He was kind, asked me a few questions and sent me on my way.
I remember driving away, the sun was setting and I felt like I had made the best decision of my life.
The next few days, I spent working on the application, submitting to a background check and child abuse clearances. It seemed like it took forever, but that was just my impatience speaking.
Soon I would be part of the gang. Right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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