Simple Beginnings

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It was the summer of 2018, I remember sitting down with my little notebook, the one I would write down my goals and the many things I would hope to accomplish. One of my entries, "To make cookies for a local fire department." Had become one of the goals for that week. I remember writing that down, only hoping that maybe I could do something nice for some people who deserved it. Little did I know that was the beginning of what kindled my fire. I went on for a few months, living my life as I normally had, wake up, classes, more classes, gym, and sleep. My days were quiet and simple, and I always felt like I knew what to expect. I had started my first year of college a few months ago and I was already nearing the end of my 2nd semester as a freshman.


I attended Bloomsburg University as an Exercise Science major. My dream was to become a well versed strength coach. I came into college as a freshman who had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do, but I managed to find something that peaked my interest. Some days I would spend two or three hours in the gym. I began waking up earlier, feeling insanely motivated and conquering everything I set my mind to...


Fast forward to the last week of freshman year, my roommate MK had been talking to this boy, Evan for awhile and we had all become really good friends. We sat in the dorms talking about what we were going to do over the summer. I remember going to Evans room once or twice with MK over the semester, I would always see him sending emails to his chief back home, or hear his pager going off, sometimes at the weirdest times, back then I wasn't quite sure what was going on, or what it was all about, but Evan was a firefighter.
Special thanks to Evan, for adding a little encouragement and motivation to my new adventure.

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