
137 22 18

Rule #1
Be kind and nice please don't fight with eachother or bash this book

Rule #2
Reservations are allowed but only for 3 days and thats it, please make sure you fill out the form on time

Rule #3
Face claims have to be 3 or 2 years apart no more than that, Got  it?

Rule #4
The password is my ult bias, which is the underlined words look carefully and your favorite song.

Rule #5
Tell me if your going on hiatus or changing your username

Rule #6
It isn't needed but a follow would be good, so i can keep you guys updated about news and the book

Rule #7
Remember to tag people in the first chapter, also tagging youself or follow back account's are not allowed.

Thats all peace my crackheads ✌

Thats all peace my crackheads ✌

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