Revealed Reasons and Some Solutions

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A.N. - Please make sure to read the author's note at the end of the page.

"Gopal, who or what brought me here?" asked Abhijishya as they walked towards the living room which connected the five rooms of five Pandavs.

"The Kal Chakra is pushed forward by four beings. Satya, Treta, Dvapar and Kali. In kaliyug, Satya and Treta stayed asleep as they remain now. But Dvapar didn't want to sleep while his companion Kali ran rampant and enjoyed everything. The disease you faced was created by Dvapar in an attempt to spite Kali and bring the end of Kaliyug much sooner. Kali didn't like such interference and banished Dvapar to hell. Dvapar escaped hell but needed a vessel, someone's body he can take control of to survive and experience life once more. He chose you. Your time of birth, rashi, nakhatra, gotra everything is exactly the same of that of Dvapar when he was created by Brahma Dev. One of Kali's strongholds is gambling places which you were passing by. Kali came to know of Dvapar's plans. So he tried to kill you. Dvapar, in an attempt to save his vessel wanted to travel to a place where he is stronger than Kali which is the Dvapar yug. In the struggles between two demons, you made it through but Dvapar didn't manage to follow as his past self was obstructing him unknowingly. That's why you appeared in the middle of the sky over the forests near Hastinapur as Dvapar has his strongest influence on the Kuru dynasty as it will be the centre of transmigration from one yug to another. When you appeared, the world appeared as if it would end. The earth quaked, winds howled, there was thunder and lightening. A break in time cannot be allowed to exist so the cosmos readjusted and you were woven into the this time or else you would've stopped to exist," Krishna explained.

Abhijishya gulped. That... that was a lot to take in. She felt a bit shaky. 'A few days ago if someone told her, there were demons moving around and she would meet Gods and Goddesses, she would've asked them which high quality weed they had smoked.' "What does.." she cleared her throat," What does all this mean for me?" She questioned feeling uncertain and insecure.

"What all this, sakhi?"asked Krishna even though he knew what was going on inside Jessy's mind.

"I mean, I am here and I don't have any family. I have no knowledge. No goal. And and I know what the future holds. The war... it needs to happen, doesn't it Gopal?" she asked her Gopal.

"I am your family here, sakhi. You already know family doesn't necessarily mean someone has to be related by blood. Family are the people who accept us, love us and care for us as we accept them, love them and care for them. As for knowledge, it is all around you. You just need to acquire it," smiled Krishna.

Abhijishya let a genuine small smile light her face.

"And the war... you already understand that it is unavoidable. People have forgotten the meaning of dharma sakhi. They think following traditions is only dharma. You already know it is inevitable," said Krishna solemnly.

"Yes, I understand. I promise I won't do anything to stop the war. I just hope I have the resilience and courage to endure the guilt I will feel afterwards," sighed Abhijishya.

"You have always been intelligent Abhijishya. You can differentiate between right and wrong. You will endure. You have to make choices too when the time comes. Do your duty Abhu, without worrying about the consequences. I shall always be there when you need me," said Krishna and placed his hand on Abhijishya's shoulder.

Then they entered the room to find Kunti giving prasad to Pandavs.

"Pranipaat Bua," he turned to Yudhisthir "Pranipaat Jyesth, Bhrata Bheem"

Kunti blessed him while Yudhisthir and Bheem greeted him.

Abhijishya too greeted everyone and they returned the gesture.

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