Chapter Twelve; Reckoning

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I rolled on to one knee, feeling energy surging through my legs as I landed. I sprang to my feet and lunged at the preacher, knocking his rifle, taking me out of the line of fire. I drew my sword and cut his head off in one fluid motion. A corpse grabbed on to my shoulders. I spun to my left, dragging it off its feet, flinging it to the floor. I stabbed it in the head just as a brute approached. It swung at me. I jumped back. I ran at it, somersaulted over it, cutting its head in half, not killing it, just slowing it down long enough to turn on my heel and cut its head clean off. A bullet ripped through a corpse's head next to me. I caught sight of Violet, nodding at me. I returned a not and returned to cutting down corpses.

"How very touching" a familiar voice called out. I turned my head and found Killswitch stood in front of me, "It really is... all of humanity, or what's left of it, coming together to defeat a common enemy. It's beautiful" Killswitch said, wiping a fake tear from his left cheek.

"Enjoy it" I growled, "This will be the last day you're ever going to see" I snarled.

"I'm not holding back this time" Killswitch grinned.

"Good" I sneered. I charged at him as he quickly drew his black fire axe. My sword collided with his weapon. He used the under side of the blade of the axe to hook on to the blade of my broadsword and pull it free from my hands. After that, he spun around to his left, swinging his axe overhead and bringing it down, trying to cut me in half. I dodged to the right. he missed by half an inch. I kicked him in the side of his head with my right foot and then tried with my left. he ducked under my kick. Straightening up, he uppercut me in the chin, sending me rocketing to the floor. I landed on my back.

"Not as easy to beat as you remember, am I?" Killswitch cockily smiled. "I wanted you to have hope of saving humanity, right at this moment, after losing someone you loved, just so I could take it away when I complete my mission" Killswitch growled.

"And what is your mission?" I asked, not really interested.

"Taking out the rogue agents in my division" Killswitch said, dropping to one knee over my stomach.

"Look around you" I said as he pulled out a pistol and began examining it. I can't say that the fact that he was on top of me with a gun in his hand didn't worry me, because it did. If he pulled that trigger on me right now, there would be nod dodging it, just the bullet, my brain and the floor. "You really think your orders matter anymore?" I asked him. He shook his head with a rage inducing grin, "This is murder now" I snapped.

"A rose by any other name... blah blah blah..." Killswitch said, putting the gun to my forehead.

"Yeah. A rose. Or a violet" I smiled. Suddenly, Killswitch was knocked to my side because of a kick to the head. Violet had seen the situation and came to help.

"Need an assist?" she asked with a bright cocky grin.

"There's a lot of that going around these days" I smiled back to her. She helped me back to my feet,

"You were dead. I killed you!" Killswitch yelled.

"There's a lot of that going around too" Violet chuckled, drawing a pistol from her belt. Killswitch rolled backwards and came up on one knee. He ran at the both of us with an animal look in his eyes. He jumped into the air and kicked Violet in the stomach, causing her to collapse to the ground. He landed and round housed me in the side.

"This cure is really important, right?" Killswitch grinned to me as I flipped on to my stomach. "It would be a damn shame is something happened to it" he scoffed. With that, he turned and sprinted for the front door of the lab. I jumped up and ran after him. I chased him into the lobby, where he spotted a doorway to the staircase that led up the building and into the lab. He was about to turn and run for the door, but I tackled him into the wall. Killswitch elbowed me in the chin with his left arm, brought his right arm up quickly and punched me in the face. He tried to strike again, but I caught his fist and twisted his arm behind his back, slamming him into the wall. He turned to his right, pulling his arm down as hard and fast as he could, breaking free of my grip. He backhanded me in the face with his right hand and punched me in the face, knocking me to the floor. He ran for the doorway to the staircase. I got up as quickly as I could. My ears were ringing, my vision blurring. I shook my head, clearing away the cobwebs, and ran to the door. he was already on the first landing. I jumped up, pulling myself along the railing on the stairs, instantly joining him on the first landing. I kicked him into the corner. He didn't lose his footing and stayed up. I tried to punch him in the nose, but he dodged out of the way, threw his arm over mine and dragged me face-first into the wall. I was stunned as he ran up the second flight of stairs. I lunged after him, grabbing his left foot and dragging him back down.

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