Chapter Eight; Into The Woods

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The next day, as we prepared to leave for the army camp, the sun rose with a brilliant red sky as its backdrop. It was an entirely busy morning. The entire town was bristling with activity. Corey, Violet and I were going for the military camp, the others remained behind as auxiliary forces and guards for the community. I wanted Corey to remain behind, but he insisted on coming with me. I guess he had abandonment issues because of the year we spent apart.

"Are we ready to go?" Andrew asked, walking up to the three of us at the gates.

"Just about. Your men can drive up the road, we'll take the paths in the woods. Then we'll meet at the camp and infiltrate it ourselves. Your men can take out the corpses in the front while we loot the place to ensure a clean get away" I instructed. The community had three of its best vehicles on the job, including our mini-bus to transport the weapons.

"Alright. You have your radios. Should you need to contact the vehicles, just give the walkie talkies a quick button press and then you're in contact. Be careful out there. The paths rise into the mountains around the motorway. Those paths can be dangerous" Andrew warned us. I nodded, thanked him, and we were off.

We walked through the woods and suddenly, the paths began a slow incline that quickly turned steep. It was a drastic change to the flat surfaced dirt trail we had been walking the past half-hour. We climbed the incline and found ourselves on a level dirt trail that followed the side of a mountain. We must have been parallel to the motorway by that point. We entered a clearing on the path and could see the four carriageways of our side of the motorway, and the other four on the other side. We took in the view for a moment then kept walking. Dirt, fallen leaves, twigs and worms littered the trail ahead. Every step felt like a step closer to collapsing by the time we had gotten to a fork in the trails. One lead down to the motorway, the other trail led into the residential area. We decided to stick to the mountains and take the trail that would eventually lead us to the small town that sat close by.

"Do you think this was a good route to take" Violet asked, wiping a bead of sweat that ran from her forehead to her cheek.

"I don't know. We could always turn back if we need to" I observed. Corey stayed silent. We found ourselves approaching a decline in the path. That is where we found large fallen branches on the side of the paths, where other branches bent overhead, creating a large, tall tunnel of twigs and leaves. We walked along the trail, keeping our eyes out for corpses when we heard it. Several groans and the rustling of leaves coming from all around us. The foliage was so thick, we could see through it. To our left stood a fifteen foot tall banking that led up to bushes, and presumably, another path. To our right, a banking leading all the way down to the summit of the mountain. It had to be at least a hundred feet down. If something attacked from the right, it would be manageable, but if they attacked from the left, we would have been doomed.

"How many do you think there are?" Corey asked as we crouched in the centre of the trail, automatic guns ready to fire.

"I don't know, but if we waste any more time, we'll soon find out" I stated. I tapped Violet on the shoulder as she was in front of me. she turned her head back and shrugged. I raised my index and middle fingers and gestured for her to continue down the trail. We got up and walked softly down the path, as if hunting prey, but in actuality, we were the prey. We continued silently, crossing over a narrow stream and then another two streams that came to an intersection and went down the banking as one whole stream. We crossed over that one cautiously, being careful to step on dry rocks only. It was only half a centimetre of water, but in truth, if you could keep your clothes dry and in good condition, doing that proved no contest that getting them torn or wet. I didn't have time to go shoe shopping after our expedition. The only thing on my mind was the cure to end all apocalypses.

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