Chapter 24: Web of Lies!!

Start from the beginning

"But I must say, the way you reacted with the kids, she got you totally whipped man. You are so, so, so into her that you accepted them as your kids? You became their father out of the blue? So now what you will raise them as your own? Call them your heirs and what get them married, drop a few happy tears and give them all your earnings?"

Christopher: "What I do is of no concern to you!!"

Hunter: "You are right! It should be of no concern to me. I agree! But you know being the kind hearted man I am; I am just warning you from a heartbreak brother."

Christopher: "Not interested in your filthy advices!"

Hunter: "So Aria, tell me how did you end up so curvy? Was it because of the pregnancy honey? Mmmmm... I mean look at you Wow! I must say quite yummy!"

Aria: "Keep your hands off me. You wouldn't want to lose them while you still need to get married."

Hunter: "Look who is talking. Anyway, you are the wedding planner so I had a thought. Since I am the groom and it's my duty to give a bachelor party to my friends. So, to spice things up, I was looking for some female strippers. You will be the best suitable one. And I am sure you will let my friends enjoy this curvy body. Oh, you will be paid heavily. So heavily that you will be floating in money. And if you are not satisfied with one I can get you many..."

Aria had slapped Hunter on his right cheek with her sandal while he stood rooted to the spot where he was holding his cheek.

Aria: "You know what? You were right! You are not the father of my kids. Because, a father would never abuse his own kids. And you called them bastards. Donating sperms cannot be termed as being a father. It is a divine thing and a huge responsibility which a person like you would never understand. All these years, somewhere in my heart I did have this feeling that maybe I should have told my kids about their father. They did deserve to know who their father is. But now, seeing you like this and the way your thoughts are, even after all these years; 'Now' I feel that no I have done the right thing about not telling my little ones about a monster like you; because they deserve so much better. And, I am so thankful, so thankful to whosoever who had tried to create rifts between us. Because that's the only reason, I actually came to know about your true colours and how low you can go. Today I have come to know what kind of an animal you are. I pity that girl Amelia. I pity her."

"Get this straight in your mind, I am neither planning your engagement nor your wedding. And don't you dare show you face to me or my babies, because if you do; you will regret ever being born!!"

By now Aria was also gone and the only ones in the video were Christopher and Hunter. It showed how Christopher had warned Hunter about troubling Aria and also wishing the couple 'Happy Engagement'!!


"My Lord! It's true that Ms. Ferguson had slapped Mr. Fox but not because he was getting married or because he was not agreeing to be the father of the kids. It was because he had insulted her brutally in the public. And let that be in private or public no one would like to be insulted by someone like that. The only abusive words or statements that came out were from Mr. Fox. Ms. Ferguson heard them all and when it hit her self-respect and dignity she couldn't control anymore and slapped him; which I personally feel was the right thing to do." Daniel said while looking at the judge with slightly painful eyes.

"And the way Mr. Fox had falsely accused her, that she was blackmailing him to agree to be the father of the kids, there is no such proof in the video which hints that she wanted Mr. Fox anywhere near her kids. If that was the case, why would the kids stay away from him? It's clear from her words and her actions that Ms. Ferguson never wanted her kids to know about their biological father, Mr. Fox!" Daniel said while thinking what kind of emotional turmoil Aria was dealing with all this while.

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