31 : Who Did You Kill?

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"ImkindasortaprobablymaybedatingEthanRush." My best friend blurts trying a failed attempt to hide her red cheeks behind her blonde hair.

I stifle a grin while Keith looks confused. "What did she just say?" He asks me pointing at her.

I shrug as if I have no idea and we both pin Hannah down with her gaze. She rolls her eyes but repeats nonetheless. "ImkindasortaprobablymaybedatingEthanRush."

"What?" Keith and say together, although he really didn't understand while I did.

"Ugh, I can't do this." Hannah says and falls on her back, groaning as she covers her face.

I can't hold back my laughter and burst out laughing seeing my best friend get all flustered up and Keith's confused face on my laughter just adds to my humor. Hannah sits up, looking annoyed and confused on why am I laughing. "You still don't get, do you?" I ask Keith.

He shakes his head like a child and I try my hardest to sober up before I satisfy his curiosity. "This girl here," I say pointing towards Hannah who's turned darker now as she realizes that I know, "is kinda, sorta, probably, maybe dating Ethan Rush."

"You're not mad?" Hannah asks, her jaw dropping at my reaction.

"Why would I be?" I ask her, genuinely confused. "You're dating him so that means you like him. What's there to be mad about?"

"The fact that we hate that King boy and his friends." She says matter of factly.

I frown. "Why do you guys hate Stefan and his friends?"

"Because you hate them?" She says in a questioning manner.

"Uh, no. I hated Stefan but not his friends. They just annoyed me because they were his friends but I never hated his friends. And moreover, why would you hate them? I had my reasons but what did they do to you?" I ask.

"Clara, Chase is your enemy and my best friend's enemy is my enemy which makes Chase's friends my enemy too." Hannah explains causing me to laugh.

"Oh Lord, seriously? I love you guys for being so considerate but no, I don't hate Stefan's friends. Drew used to be my friend till freshman year, remember? And I'm not mad at you dating Ethan. I can't tell you who to like, it's not my place. I can just be a supportive best friend like you have been to me." I tell her.

A smile slowly forms on her face as she tackles me into a hug and I fall on my back, laughing.

"Am I the only one who noticed how Clara said that she hated Stefan and not hates Stefan?" Keith's voice causes us to sit back straight up. It's my turn to blush while Hannah laughs.

"I thought it was pretty clear since they started living together." She says.

"We're not living together!" I protest but it falls on deaf ears.

"Hold on. Does that mean I have a shot at dating another member from our nemesis team?" Keith asks suddenly.

I roll my eyes. "Keith, you can date whoever you want. And if you wanna date Emily, sure, if she's in." Hannah snorts and we high-five causing Keith to scowl.

"Whatever. But just so you know, we'd never date anyone who you don't like because we love you." Keith mentions and Hannah nods.

"Aww. But I don't hate your potential love interests so go for it." I cheer them.

"Looks like you're having fun." A new voice speaks above us and suddenly the three of us are surrounded by four more people. Stefan plops beside me, a little bit too close to be considered normal but I pretend to not notice as I turn to answer his rhetorical question.

"We were until you arrived." I say with a serious face but with the look on Stefan's face, I know he's not buying it.

I turn to look at my friends and Keith was already on his charming mode with Emily who was trying hard to seem unaffected and then there was Drew who smiled at me politely but turned away without an eye contact. I didn't dwell on it as I looked at Hannah who was turning darker than tomato because of her and Ethan's proximity and he was mumbling something in her ears.

I sigh, a smile playing on my lips as I lean back on Stefan's body unconsciously. His hand comes to rest on the side of my hip away from eyes from my friends but his touch burned my skin over the hoodie I was wearing. I obviously ignored that.

"I ship." I mumbled.

Stefan grunted above me, resting his chin on my head. "Who? Us, Emieth or Ethnah?"

Thinking about Stefan giving our friends a ship name caused me to chuckle loudly. "You gave them a ship name?" I said, forgetting to keep my voice quiet while pointing towards Ethan and Hannah.

A slight pink dusted his cheeks but before he could answer, Ethan's horrified voice spoke, "You told them?!"

Hannah nods meekly while I raise an eyebrow at him, trying to look intimidating. "Why? She shouldn't have? Were you planning on keeping her as your secret sidepiece?"

"What?!" He squeaks, obviously scared as he jumps behind Hannah. "Of course not! I'm totally serious about this. Hannah knows! Please don't kill me."

Keith and I share a devious look and give Ethan a menacing glare. "We won't, yet. But if you make my girl cry, I hope you have watched The Kingsman and The Golden Circle because will make Ethan burgers as shown in that movie and personally feed each of them to my neighbor's dog." Keith warns and Ethan nods, gulping.

"I promise to take care of her." Ethan says sincerely from behind Hannah while she mumbles, "I'm not a baby." But is successfully ignored.

"Good. Then we're good. You have our approval to be our girl's boyfriend." I say, satisfied.

Ethan grumbles something like, "She's my girl now." under his breath but Keith and I share a look, roll our eyes and ignore him because we know that whatever happens, at the end of the day, Hannah is first herself's, then ours and then anybody's.

Suddenly, Ethan looks at me and smirks. "I hope you enjoyed threatening me, little Emery but just know that soon you'll be in my position and I will enjoy every minute of it."

Stefan's grip on my hip tightens a little when Ethan calls me Emery but I ignore that. Frowning, I voice my question. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Ethan looks behind me at Stefan and smirks wider. "Oh you'll see," and leaves me confused and curious for the rest of the day.

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