17 - Sweet Deviations

Start from the beginning

The inner seductress waved her white flag, letting their waves of passion wash her away to the shore of euphoric bliss.

Her soft moans were practically begging for him. And of course, he didn't want to delay their pleasure any longer. He effortlessly carried her, arms wrapped in his neck for support while her legs snaked his waist.

Her bed was filled with several hardbound books, highlighters, fillers, and notes. A reminder that thirty minutes ago, they were just reviewing for their upcoming exam. Now he would rather review the anatomy of this gorgeous woman in front of her. Yejin still clung to him, while he harshly threw the duvet out of her bed, the books on top of it flying towards the floor.

Fuck it, right?

Bin laid her gently on the bed and she pulled him towards her. He crashed his lips into hers as her hand grabbed a handful of his hair, urging him.

At that instant, Bin got an idea on how they can multitask.

She laid impatiently underneath his towering frame. She was about to say something when she felt an erotic sensation on her neck, making her jolt.

"Tell me which muscle." She heard him say while he was nibbling on her neck. She let out at a sneer, amused and frustrated by the fact that he thought of that at a time like this.


But she decided to humor him. Afterall, they both know she knows her way in Anatomy.

"Sternocleidomastoid." She replied. He stopped what he was doing to her neck. Suddenly, she felt his manhood threatening her entrance. He slowly thrusted into her, filling her to a hilt. She moaned at the unexpected yet pleasurable feeling.

"Correct." He said, pulling out of her softly. "Get one wrong and we're stopping this altogether."

He smirked. She returned his stare with obvious frustration and mock exasperation. She knows she can confidently answer all of this. No sweat. But the thought of denying themselves of this is making her core physically ache.

Damn him, she thought. Hell hath no fury than a horny woman scorned.

He continued his feathery kisses to her shoulder blades, licking and biting her soft skin.

"Tra..Trapezius." She said in a soft tone, stuttering.

"Correct." He replied. He thrusted once again, eliciting a moan from Yejin. He buried himself deep inside her, lingering at each thrust. She wrapped his legs on his waist once again, begging for him to continue what he started, but he was quick to pull out. She hit him in the chest with frustration.

She was painfully aware of those 3 thrusts.

"Patience, Love." he said, "Believe me.. This is harder for me." 

She was completely at his mercy, begging more of him.

His hand found her bosom, caressing the right and licking the left. She was eager to answer, "Pe... Pectoralis Major."

And there he thrusted. By now, his back was already full of marks- marks that showed how much she craved for him. Four... Five... Six thrusts, and he was out of her again.


"I hate you so much, Bin." She said, eyes shut as she awaits for his next move.

"No, you don't." he uttered as he kissed her midriff, just inches below her underboob.

"You're right, I don't." she softly said. "Rectus abdo..minis."

Eight thrusts. He, too, was painfully aware. Bin didn't know how he managed to control himself, considering how much good it felt to be inside her.

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