"I couldn't wait any longer to meet you." She looked down at me with a friendly smile. "I'm Jessie by the way, probably should've told you that at the start of your kidnapping. The blue one is Henry, a real pain in the a** which you will shortly find out." Jessie laughed, the blue-eyed wolf growled up at her but not in a malicious way, more out of irritation and humour.

"Then the silver one is called Maddy; she is Henry's ma-Boyfriend. Then the one that is dribbling all over you is Kai; he is alright, I guess." She concluded, giving an exaggerated smile down to Kai, he kicked her with his back leg, and she cursed to herself, laughing as she got back up and kept up with the pace.

The strange situation was not easing as I learnt all their names, I should feel safer, but if anything, it made no difference to me. These wolves and Jessie could kill me very quickly, and nobody would hear my screams this far into the forest.

Jessie was mumbling to herself for quite some time. It was mostly about the temperature and how her legs were burning in her human form. Again, this had my mind in a puzzle, the whole time I was trying to fit all the pieces together at what on earth was happening and what a human form is, but I was in such shock and bewilderment, I couldn't think straight.

I am currently hanging in wolves muzzle for goodness sake! How many people alive could say that?

We started to slow down as we approached a lovely sheltered space of the forest. The wolves circled the area and seemed to be sniffing the air and looking for something. Kai, who had me in his mouth, dropped me carefully to the grass, and I have never felt so relieved. I crawled backwards and leant against a large tree, trying to regain my brainpower and waiting for the dizziness to stop.

"You got to get used to this Luna; you're scaring me now." Jessie walked up to me and pressed her hot hand up to my forehead, checking me over like a mother to her child.

"You'll get past the dizziness. I know how new you are to this, and we forget sometimes, it's like you have been with us all along Luna, that's how much Alpha goes on about you," Jessie said, sitting down next to me and staring ahead into the bushes.

All these strange terms, I kept hearing them over and over again.




And most of all, Luna.

I thought these were endearments and compliments, like describing a friend or something along those lines. But as I think over everything, the doctor calling me Luna, Jessie calling me Luna. Alaric referred to as Alpha. I am starting to believe I looked at this all wrong.

I was spiralling into an even bigger hole now, more unanswered questions and theories stacking in my mind. I needed answers, and I needed them now.

Grabbing the pen I kept inside my pocket, I scribbled down some questions on the bark of the tree behind me, I didn't have any paper to hand, so this would be the next best thing. Jessie turned her head from the wolves sitting in front of us and looked at what I was writing, appearing speechless for the first time, looking troubled and unsure in herself.

"Why do you call me Luna?"

"How did you find me?"

"How have these wolves not eaten us yet?" These are the three questions I wrote on the bark, the three which came to mind first.

I can't imagine this happens often for Jessie; she looks like a happy go lucky girl filled with energy and excitement, bouncing on her feet and up for an adventure. I think I brought her back down to planet earth for the first time, and she was silent in her place.

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