End of the Beginning (Ending)

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Izuku washed up from the river and layer there for a few days from his coma. As he opens his eyes the sun was already up.  "What...happened?" ,-he questioned as he tries to get up. "All for one..." ,-Izuku remembered his enemy's name.

As for now, Izuku survived with the kinetic explosion blasted Izuku from the top of a building. Far away up in the air beyond the highest skyscrapers. Until he began to lose momentum and began falling down rapidly at intense speeds. Landing at a nearby river deep enough for Izuku to land without breaking any essential. His suit took most of the damage in the process of protecting the user.

For a few months, Izuku was nowhere to be found. Up until the news of All for One was fighting against the symbol of peace, All Might came to a devastating end. Resulting in a tie with All Might losing the battle and All for one escaped heavily injured. Leaving the world in shock, even Izuku didn't think All Might could have lost.

But anyway it seems like the path of the hero society is crumbling each passing day. As Izuku finished his final preparations as he tracked down All for one's base of operations.

Within several months of tracking and observing it was time for him to move now at his most bonus level state, "Let's go." ,- Izuku infiltrated the base without alerting the Nomu guards in the severe dozens.

Reaching to the top floor without being spotted by the security cameras. He heard two voices talking within the room."Okay..one..two..three.."  ,-Izuku throws several smoke and stun grenades in the room. Then slams the door open entering the room with Izuku's target.

Stunning the doctor in the room that was helping All for One with both extremely damaged arms from All Might fight.

All for One sends flying a thick piece of metal and slices off Izuku's left arm.
"So your her-" ,-All for One was cut off as Izuku took out his grenade launcher ignoring the pain and began detonating explosive rounds directly at All for One several times.

Disorientating All for One, he noticed this individual was someone familiar. "You..."
"You think this is the end?" ,-questioned All for One still injured thinking on a plan to escape.

"You tell me?" ,-asked Izuku shooting the doctor and killing the evil doctor.

"That's not the hero way." ,-All for One tried to reason with him.

"Your in no position in talking to me about heroes and ethics, Mr. have no face." ,-Izuku responded as he found what he was looking for.

"So, want now?,-asked All for One not being able to move. "What!" ,-he was surprised not begin able to move.

"You just walked into your own Nomu restraining thing." ,-Izuku said to the evil mastermind being caught now his own creation.

"Are you going to kill me?" ,-All for One asked stuck by his own device and using his remains strength to break apart his own torture device of Nomus.

"Of course not just you, but on everything you ever worked on will come down with us." ,-said Izuku as he planted several bombs across the facility.

"Wait!" ,-All for One crippled broken free from the torture device and sliced off both of his opponent's legs. "Ha...your plan was a failure." ,-All for One responded back with a grin on what's left of his face but then he noticed the hero's body was quickly turning into bright intense green flame covering Izuku's body.

"What are you doing?" ,-All for One asked as his body started to feel a bit sick from the radiation Izuku was creating in mass quantities.

"See you in hell." ,-Izuku took off his helmet as it was damaged. Seeing All for one lose his grin, and his blood began covering his eyes.

At that same moment, everyone in Class 1-X gathered around in a circle. Everyone was quiet, after losing one of their classmates no a friend. Not long after All Might, the symbol of peace can no longer do his job. Morale was at an all-time low, but Lukas and the rest of the crew were shaken up by a weird noise in Izuku's quarters.

"It's coming from Izuku's room." ,-said Nora noticed that ring tone.

"What could it be?" ,-Owen questioned as Eddy entered the room without any thought.

"Hey, you can't..." ,-said Robin was interrupted.

"What? He's not here, not anymore. But aren't you curious about what this could be?" ,-Eddy asked looking around Izuku's room and noticed something green glowing on the wooden desk.
"His old gauntlet." ,-Nora Lukas remembered

"Yes, and it looks like there's something here." ,-Eddy clicked on a button in the gauntlet.

"Hello! Hello, is your hearing this it probably means that I have infiltrated to All Might's enemy base. This could be the last time you will be hearing from me. This is weird, but it had been only a couple of weeks since we have met. Lukas, Nora, Owen, Eddy, Robin,      , all of you have the hearts of a hero. I have seen your guys are capable of with that courage you showed in the USJ attack. Try your best to tackle everything problem that you come across in the future. Looks like my chapter will be closing in soon, never lose sight of why you wanted to become a hero. And that seems to be it, bye-bye my friends, Izuku logging out." ,-and the message soon after ended leaving everyone in the room silent.

*Back at the All for One's Base*
"Nuclear Fission Hell Mark 8 denotation!" ,-yelled Izuku as he felt the rest his whole body burning up. "See you guys on the other side..." ,-Izuku smiled again as taking one last look at All for One in shock as all his plans began to crumpled right in front of him. Izuku closed his eyes knowing the entire facility

In the distance, a huge bright explosive green firing emerald light shoot into the sky could be seen for miles and miles. As the mountainside which the base was handle in was completely obliterated. Nothing remained that of All for One's facility, nothing.

Peace remained as of last as All for One was defeat and lifted humanity off from one of its burdens of the past. And had finally left the world with one less powerful villain. Leaving the future uncertain, as many unknown individuals across the globe sacrificed their lives make the world a better place. Also, it leaves room for people that want to disrupt that peace that was created.

But will it last?

Izuku the Lost Soldier: Nuclear Ignition  Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum