Return of Evil

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On one devastating day Shigaraki, the league of villains mounted another attack on the school. But this time he had other plans as he received some advanced medicine to recover and heal up in a short span from the doctor and his mentor.

Shigaraki struck in the middle of the day at an unexpected time, disintegrating several staff members left and right in the entrance.

Izuku began running with his new equipment across the inside of the school to the exit. "It's close."

"Got the message, so much for the previous mission." ,-said Buzzkill, "The rest will meet at the entrance."

"Copy that." ,-said Izuku rushing in faster with his rifle in hand fully loaded and with a grenade launcher just in case.

Everyone meets at the same moment as Shigaraki killed a hero who was on stand by near the school. "Look what we have here?" ,-said Shigaraki looking at such familiar enemies.

In a few seconds, Shigaraki sprinted towards Izuku and his team. "Wrong one." ,-Shigaraki grabbed someone else.

"What! Help ahh...." ,-yelled Roadkill shooting as Shigaraki disintegrated his head.

"Yes, at least that's one point." ,-said Shigaraki still walking through the disintegrated main gates of the school.

"Leave..." ,-Izuku still in shock from Roadkill death instructed everyone to push on as his body began to create radiation fog covering the entrance of the school to the streets. While the Buzzkill and the rest of the team pushed on Shigaraki with their heavy weaponry. As agent Case brought an RPG to take care of this imminent threat.

*Radiation fog* Amplified high levels of nuclear radiation concentrations in the small location.

"What? You...." ,-Shigaraki soon begun feeling the effects of radiation poisoning in large concentrations. "...fuck." ,-Shigaraki then ran up to Izuku reaching him preparing to kill the source. Quickly Izuku pushed Shigaraki away as his front chest armor began to disintegrate.

Izuku quickly ripped off his extended heavy armor which was quickly disinterested. "That was close."  -he noted as Shigaraki has now been showing symptoms of radiation exposure.

Shigaraki rushes out from the fog quickly activating his quirk disintegrating streets while on retreat.

"Fire!!!" ,-ordered Buzzkill as all remaining members fired at will.

*Trr!!!!*        *Trrr!!!!* *Trrr!!!*
            *Trr!!!!*        *Trrr!!!!* *Trrr!!!*
*Trr!!!!*        *Trrr!!!!* *Trrr!!!*

Weak and his vision clouded and each bullet that hit Shigaraki was closing in to his death. But a mysterious figure appeared out from the shadows. Forcefully stopping all bullets in the air and swipes away part of the radiation fog out of existence.

"Enough I'm the leader of the underground shadows, All for One." ,-the mysterious man introduced himself. "Looks like Shigaraki is having a bit of trouble, and here I thought I was going to face off against All Might after all this time. But that doesn't seem to be the case, you guys just had to interfere to my plans. And for that you all will now face immeasurable consequences." ,-All for One use multiple shock waves as he tried killing anything in the vicinity.

He looks over as the he sensed that all the rats where affected by his attack destroying some building nearby."You guys are quite resistant." ,-All for One noted destroying several more buildings near the school.

"Quickly now!!" ,-yelled Buzzkill as everyone took out their frag grenades.

Multiple grenades landed near All for One and exploded, but nothing seemed to have damaged him. "Too bad, you guys would have been excellent underlings. But I doubt, you will join me." ,-said All for One as he pulls Case in and snaps his neck.

"It's been a while since I got my hands dirty." ,-said All for One throwing his body of the side. "Who's next?"

Then Killshot began shooting at All for One. As everyone followed his lead pushing back All for One slightly. Until he did the same move once again. By pulling forcully him directly ready to snap his neck.

"No, you won't." ,- Killshot pulled the trigger detonating several explosives damaging All for one's mask.

"You guys are quite entertaining." ,-said All for One recovering from the blast.

While he was recovering from the blast, Izuku sneaked up to him and used a ballistic knife and stabbed All for one in the back several times.

"What!" ,-All for One grabbed Izuku in pain and punched him several times in the head until the helmet cracked. Followed by slamming him against the floor breaking the concrete street and threw him out crashing into a building.

"Watch!!" ,-yelled Buzzkill as Izuku disappeared out from sight. As the Buzzkill and Trust continued firing and using explosives trying to cause as much damage as possible as well as to finish off the unconscious Shigaraki.

"This is the end, Kinetic Explosive Four Detonation Fury!" ,-All for one yelled with his injuries on his back from the battle.

The explosion All for One created was so intense that every building within that area was obliterated. "Looks like you still need time to grow." ,-said All for One ending the fight as a Nomu picks Shigaraki up and they leave the devastating era with Izuku and his allies wiped out.

(You know whats coming soon.)

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