Universe #7

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(I'd normally refer to them by last names but since there are two Midoriya's with different first names I'm using first names this time. Also, warning for Blaise swearing)

"All of y'all that were hoping for angst, death or villains I'm sorry to disappoint but we have cute stuff for the soul. And after this some ouch and then some crack so be patient." Blaise said as the next universe showed on the screen, ready to begin playing. 

"Why would we hope for-" 

"Ah ah ah, I wasn't talking to you." Blaise put her finger over her lips to cut Kirishima off. "So let's just relax, and put on the radio! Would you like AM, or FM?" The universe began playing as she received multiple confused looks. 

A young Izuku was sitting in the grass, drawing in a sketchbook. Young Katsuki was kicking a ball into a fence nearby. A boy with orange hair, black bunny ears and a tail was crouched near Izuku, eating a carrot. 

"Who's that?" Asui asked, tilting her head. 

"That's Shoyo Hinata from a different anime called Haikyuu!! He plays on a volleyball team at Karasuno High School and you know what, here have the knowledge." She clapped her hands, activating her quirk, and sharing her knowledge on the anime to them.

"Hey, Kacchan? How do you think Endeavour's quirk works?" Izuku asked, looking up from his book. 

"I dunno. He probably takes medicines to stop quirk overuse. Maybe somebody with an ice quirk does stuffs at bedtime." Katsuki answered, not looking over from where he was kicking. "Maybe he has someone else's quirk helping." 

"Pfft, bedtime." Kaminari laughed and was glared at by a sparky Bakugo.

Izuku frowned, but nodded and went back to scribbling. The orange-haired bunny paused his snacking. "Didn't he get married to a nice lady with an ice quirk? Maybe she helps him."

Todoroki smiled softly at the though of his mother and the compliment for her, though didn't like her association with his father.

"Oh yeah, thanks, Shoyo!" Izuku grinned, writing that down. 

The Bunny, Shoyo, grinned and nodded. Katsuki's ball went over the fence with a particularly hard kick. He growled. "Stupid ball!" 

Shoyo put his carrot down and bunny-hopped over to Katsuki. "Want me to get it?" 

Katsuki stared for a moment before nodding reluctantly. "There's thorns somewhere near the fence, be careful. I don't need my mom on my back about that." Izuku giggled at his annoyed expression. Shoyo nodded, crouching lower to the ground before hopping up and soaring over the fence. 

"Hehe, soar." Blaise chuckled. 


"Oh you're watching, aren't you. Oops." 

"His quirk is so cool!" Izuku exclaimed with starry-eyes.

"He's a bunny, Deku." 

"So? He couldn't do that before he got his quirk!"

"He's so small though. People are gonna pick on him. And you're gonna have to defend him and you don't have a quirk yet!" Katsuki exclaimed. 

Izuku sat in thought for a moment. "Mom says I'll get one eventually. She didn't get hers until she was this much!" He held up four fingers. 

"Even the little bullies down the streets have quirks by now, Deku. You're five! And I don't wanna have to protect you and Sunward all our lives." 

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