"How are you?"

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One of the most pressing issue of our times!... "How are you?"
How often than not we ask each other on social media this same question?
What is the patent answer to it? "I'm fine."
It's fine if you don't want to answer it truthfully to people you hardly know and the ones who hardly know you, because that makes sense. You can't rant about your issues to a stranger who doesn't understand a flying fig about your rant and can hardly help you out.
But what about your owns?
How often do u ask your mother, father, daughter, son, niece, cousin, aunt, uncle, colleague, friend this same question with the genuine interest of knowing what's actually happening in their life? How often is this question answered honestly? Why isn't it answered honestly?
1.You don't want to bother people(your owns) with your problems, is that so? But do you really not want to be there for your owns? If you want to be there for them, if you don't start with yourself sharing how are they going to start sharing? Why won't they think the same? So is silencing your troubles a solution; or putting it in open and talking about it?
2.You don't trust some people with your problems, is that so?  Then how will they trust you with their problems?
3.You think your problems are unique and complex? If the answer to this question is yes then sorry to disappoint you telling that no matter what; our problems are more or less always the same! What! you don't believe me? Read Subtle art of not giving a fuck by Mark Manson...the book will clear your doubt better than I can. Maybe the aspect of that problem is different but it's same...for example a friend of mine put in an important position at her workplace has to deal with the responsibility and expectations of others...and what's the foremost problems such situations cause? Self doubt? Now I have some targets in life, what is the thing stopping me from achieving those most times? Self doubt? By the way why do we doubt ourselves? From what I have observed with myself... it's only when I am not taking the steps to achieve that target? Why don't I take those steps? Am i scared? So where does courage come from? Before taking the action or after acting on it?

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