
Clint, along with everyone else, was already waiting for Wanda when her and Natasha finally came downstairs. Natasha winked at Wanda before sending her off over to Clint and then heading over to the kitchen to get breakfast. Wanda glared at Natasha' retreating form before slowly making her way over to Clint. He looked up from his phone and offered her a smile and a wave. She waved back.

"Jeez, Wanda," he remarked, earning the attention of some of the Avengers. "You look like I'm sending ya to your death!" She laughed awkwardly.

"Well, you have to admit that the situation is a little weird." He shrugged. She played with the ends of her hair. "But Tasha said I would regret not coming with you so. . . Here I am."

Clint nodded and went to say something but was cut off by his phone. They both glanced to it before Clint answered it, holding it close to his ear, almost like he was holding his boyfriend's face close to his. Wanda smiled slightly as she wandered off to the kitchen. Steve had made french toast for breakfast that day. She glanced over to where Clint was talking on the phone before fixing herself a plate; if she didn't finish before they needed to get in the car, she could always take it with her.

He was on the phone for a few more minutes before he went looking for her.

Wanda remained in the kitchen eating her french toast. It was much easier to stay there than to get comfortable in the living room or at the table to eat. Clint found her a moment later and offered her a smile before telling her they should head out. She nodded and wrapped the rest of her breakfast in a napkin so she could take it with her. As Clint waited for the elevator, Wanda made her way over to where Natasha was sitting at the table talking to Bruce and kissed her cheek. Natasha smiled after her as Wanda then went to stand beside Clint. They walked into the elevator once it arrived.

Obviously they took Clint's car so Clint climbed into the drivers side with Wanda sliding into the passengers. She broke off a piece of her french toast as Clint started the car.

"So do I get his name before or after I meet him?" she asked once they were a good distance away from the tower. Clint laughed and glanced at her for a second.

"If I tell you his name, it ruins the surprise," he told her. She rolled her eyes and pouted slightly, breaking off another piece before setting it on her tongue. Clint continued laughing. "Just relax, Winnie." She raised an eyebrow.

"Since when do you call me Winnie?"

Clint shrugged. "Thought I'd give it a shot." She narrowed her eyes at him for a moment before shrugging and looking away. "Do you not like it?"

"I could get used to it," she offered. Clint shrugged and left it at that.

They were in the car for almost an hour before they made it to the airport. Clint's phone was sitting in the cup holder so when he got a text from his mystery man, Wanda tried to catch the name. Unfortunately, Clint picked his phone up before Wanda could see anything. She pouted as Clint smirked and read the text.

"Alright," Clint started, "he said he already has his luggage so we don't have to wait in the cellphone lot." Wanda nodded along. "He's at gate two." Clint turned in the direction where they could just pick up the man.

There were a lot of cars trying to pick up other people, making it hard for Clint to drive up to gate two. Wanda watched through the windows as families climbed into Uber cars or cars that belonged to other family members. One young woman, about her age, held onto the handle of her luggage tightly until she saw a car pull up to her. Wanda had to strain her neck in order to watch as the woman ran up to the driver of the car and engulfed them in a hug. She smiled as she turned to look through the windshield.

"Ah! There he is!" Clint exclaimed, pointing to a tall man standing underneath the 'Gate Two' sign.

Wanda's gaze flickered over to the man as Clint maneuvered the car over in that direction. As her eyes landed on the man, Wanda's whole body stopped working for a moment. The thought had crossed her mind several times leading up to that moment but she never really believed it. There was no way it could've been true. She watched him die.


There Pietro stood.

Clint started smiling brightly as he pulled the car up to him. Instead of getting out to help with his luggage like Clint did, Wanda stayed seated and continued to stare at him. Her heart along with all the other major organs started up again. But her lungs remained motionless. It could've also been because she forgot how to breath. She watched from the window as Clint gave Pietro--Pietro!--a hug and kiss. She watched their mouths move but couldn't hear the words being said. Pietro--her Pietro--gave Clint another kiss before opening up the back door. Clint popped the trunk open and lifted the luggage into it before closing it again. He rounded the car and climbed back into the drivers seat.

"Well, Winnie," Clint started as he adjusted the rear-view mirror, "are you glad you came?"

Wanda didn't know how to respond.

Pietro slid into the center of the backseat and, with his arms draped over the back of both seats in front of him, he leaned forward. "Yeah, Wanda. Are you glad you came to get me?" he asked. Finally she started breathing again. Because her eyes weren't playing tricks on her. Unless her ears were too but that was definitely his voice--his witty one liners. "Are you gonna sit and stare out the windshield the entire ride home?"

Swallowing the lump forming in her throat, Wanda slowly looked over to him. She let out a shallow breath as tears started pooling in her eyes. "Pietro," she cooed. He offered her a soft smile.

"Hi, Sis," he greeted softly. She reached up and cupped his cheek. Pietro leaned into the touch and closed his eyes. Clint glanced to him through the rear-view mirror, his own smile on his face. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too." His eyes fluttered open so he could study her face. Right as they opened, Wanda slapped his face. He fell into the backseat, rubbing his cheek as he sat up. Clint bit his lip to keep from laughing. Wanda huffed slightly and nodded. "That's what you get for making me believe you were dead." Pietro sighed, sitting up so he could lean on the back of Clint's seat again.

"Look, Wanda, I didn't have a choice." She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "You've got to believe me!" Her eyebrow only went higher. "Wanda, after I died, SHIELD took me somewhere and then I was no longer dead. Clint helped me through my recovery and we both ended up falling in love." Clint smiled sweetly. Pietro leaned around and kissed his cheek. "But Clint eventually had to come back to you and the Avengers and I still needed to heal. Which is why we have the farmhouse." Wanda glanced to Clint. He shrugged. "I've been staying there and healing while Clint's been going back and forth." Wanda looked back at Pietro, her expression softening. Pietro grabbed her hand and held it tightly in his. "We finally got the approval of Director Fury to not only tell people I'm alive but to also come visit you guys." Wanda sighed and hung her head. "Trust me, if I could, I would've contacted you a lot sooner." She offered him a small smile before leaning over and kissing his cheek.

"I believe you," she told him as she pulled away. He smiled at her and kissed the back of her hand. "I just can't believe it's actually you." Pietro smirked. "That you're alive." Clint started smirking. Pietro simply shrugged and leaned back in the seat.

"Oh, you know. I just walked it off like Captain America told me to." Wanda started laughing. He winked at her. "You didn't see that coming, did you?" She shook her head, a smile on her face. Clint started laughing as he started the car and pulled away from the gate. Pietro laughed to himself as he leaned further back in his seat. He's missed this. Missed his sister and his friends. Missed the laughs they shared. His laugh slowly fades but remains as a smile.

He's glad to be back.

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