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We sat in the sick bay, speaking to the engineer with whom Trip had spent his time.

"Oh, my!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands over her mouth. "I didn't know that a human male could... I am so sorry. I thought it would pose no risk. If I had known, I would have never... I am sorry," she lowered her eyes.

"Well, so long as you can get this thing out of me—"

I elbowed him in the side and he changed course.

"Is there any way that this... fetus could be safely removed without being harmed?"

"Yes, we can send one of our doctors over right away. Again, I offer my deepest apologies," the engineer bowed and clicked off.

"Well, Trip," I patted him on the back and laid my hand on his shoulder. "Congratulations. Looks like you're dodging the responsibility of motherhood."

He glared up at me and then looked down at my hand.

"Gee, thanks," he smiled sarcastically.

"Trip," my father interrupted. "We'd like to run a few more scans before their doctor gets here."

"Yes, sir," Trip hopped down from the stretcher where he sat and walked towards Phlox and my father.

As Trip pulled himself onto the biobed for body scans, my father caught my eye and rose an eyebrow in question. I looked away. I fear this was the wrong move, and my lack of denial only confirmed his suspicions.

I sighed, looking down at the unfinished mission report in front of me. My hair laid against the back of my neck, making it hot and causing me to feel claustrophobic. I reached backwards to pick it up off my neck and pull it into a ponytail. Just then, there was a knock at the door.

"Just a second!" I called, standing and finishing my ponytail.

I opened the door and there stood Trip.

"Oh, hello Commander Tucker, what do—" I began, but he interrupted.

"Oh, no. Don't you start that again—that's worse than calling me Charles. That's 'Trip' to you, young lady," he shook his head.

"Right. Sorry," I laughed, rubbing the back of my neck. "I've just been working on the mission report and I have to be very—"

"Formal, yeah I get it," he finished, then moved to step into my room.

"You know, I'm really busy right now, I don't think—"

"Come on, Emily," he made his way over to sit on my bed. "I finally feel normal again, I wanna talk to you."

I glanced out into the hallway to assure no one had been there to see him enter my room.

I closed the door.

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?" I sat at my desk, away from where he sat on my bed, turning my chair to face him.

"I wanna talk about... us," he mumbled.

"Us? As in... our friendship?" I rose an eyebrow.

"If you could call it that," he muttered.

I laughed. "What's that supposed to mean?" He sat up and I came to a realization upon seeing the glazed look in his eyes.

"Oh my gosh, you are so high on anesthesia right now," I said humorously.

"No, I just..." he stood up, then looked out the window. "Floating."

"Yes, we are floating. We're in space, Trip."

"No," he shook his head. "I'm floating."

"Okay, how about we get you back to your room and you can sleep this off?" I moved towards him, grabbing him around the arms and hoisting him to his feet.

Unrequited (Trip x OC)Where stories live. Discover now