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Trip was back now, sitting next to me as we ate lunch in the Mess Hall.

"Why'd you get a tuna sandwich? You could've just gotten what chef made, he works hard," I took a bite of the steak on my plate.

"Yeah, well, it's really weird... I've just been craving tuna," he shrugged. "I didn't think it would be that big of a deal."

"Well, the day I pass up steak for tuna is the day I want you to take me to Doctor Phlox and get him to run a full body scan, because I wouldn't be myself," I shook my head and he laughed.

"Yeah... hey, you know they gave me catfish over there? It tasted just like my mama made it. It was unbelievable!"

"Yes, you told me already, Trip," I scoffed, crossing my arms. "You really liked it over there, didn't you?"

"Well, it was mostly work and no play, but when I got a break, the chief engineer over there took me to this holographic chamber thing. Then we played a game where we put our hands in a bowl of these pebbles and she could read my mind. I wasn't very good at reading hers, though," he chuckled.

I looked down at my plate. "Yeah, that sounds amazing." He had said 'hers', meaning he spent his free time with a female.

"Aw, are you still upset because your dad wouldn't let you go? Come on, with all I endured to get there, I wouldn't say it was worth it."

"Yeah. Well, I gotta go. Phlox wanted me to help him out in Sickbay."

"He's been asking for your help more and more lately, huh? You must be pretty good," he crossed his arms over his chest.

I scoffed. "Hardly. I think he just likes the company. You know, talking to something other than his bat." I stood.

He grinned. "Alright, well I'll talk to you later, Emily."

"Bye," I waved a hand behind my back at him before exiting the Mess Hall.


I stood in Sickbay, staring down at a PADD with a furrowed brow. "So... how did you manage to get the clothes hanger stuck in your butt?"

"I really don't want to talk about it," he shifted his feet uncomfortably, wincing as the clothes hanger shifted.

"Well, if we can cut the ends off, we may be able to bend it inwards and it should be painless... more or less," I mumbled. "Doctor, I think you should take this one so I don't damage any of his organs, it's pretty far in there," I called.

"No, I think you've got it there," he called back, working on another patient.

I looked up at the ceiling. "Oh geez... Um, okay, turn around."

Once we got the clothes hanger pulled out I walked over to the sink and began washing my hands.

Then I washed them a second time. And a third time.

"Oh, don't look so disgusted. I'm sure he just sat on it," Phlox chimed, as optimistic as ever.

"If he sat on it, he would've told me that," I wrinkled my nose. "He could've at least lied, instead of saying he didn't want to talk about it."

"Well, maybe some people just don't have the skill to deceive like you," Phlox cocked his head at me.

I was laughing when the doors to Sickbay opened and Trip walked through.

"Hey, Doc?" he was rubbing his side. "I've been feeling feverish ever since I came back on the ship. I know I'm probably just readjusting to the atmosphere, but I'd feel better if you'd check it out."

Unrequited (Trip x OC)Where stories live. Discover now