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I woke up, suddenly alert. There was someone in my room. I sat up, looking around in the darkness. I flipped the light on and gazed across the floor. In a pile of books at my right was...

I sighed.

"Porthos, how did you get in here? You've made a mess," I stood and picked up my dad's dog, walking to the door with him. My father would be up now, getting ready to head to the bridge. I carried Porthos to his room. When I neared it, I heard speaking inside. That was no surprise, my father often liked to do his personal log before and after waking up. However, when I neared the door, I noticed more than one voice in the room.

"Sir, I came here to discuss different matters," the second voice said. "I wanted to talk to you about your daughter."

My breathing hitched in my throat. Trip...? No, it couldn't be. Doctor Phlox said that he wasn't going to do the surgery until this evening. It was only 0600. So...

"What about her? I understand she took on the task of being your primary caretaker, next to Phlox," my father addressed Sim.

"Well, sir... I know that she cared for me when I was young, and that she watched me grow up, but I still had memories of my... of Trip's mom. That's who I think of when I think of a mother," he could be heard shuffling around inside the room. "I was just wondering..."

I heard the com beep inside the room. "Captain, I've found some information on the transfer that you might like to know. I can't get Emily, so she must already be up, if you could find her and bring her as well."

"What? What does that mean?" Sim asked.

"Stay here," my father said to him. I leaned away from the door as it opened and my father stepped out. I could see Sim, looking just like Trip as he stood looking scared in the back of the room. I dropped Porthos inside and began walking alongside my father. No communication needed.

We made it to Sickbay and stepped through the door together. I immediately started asking questions.

"What's wrong? Is Trip okay? Did--"

"Trip is perfectly fine, Ms. Archer. This isn't about him," Doctor Phlox assured me.

"Then what...?"

"This is about Sim," he didn't meet my eyes. Instead, he looked at his captain. "I've run a couple of tests and I've found that... Humans are much more delicate than all the rest of those who have undertaken this procedure. His tissue--"

"Get to the point, Doctor," my father crossed his arms over his chest.

"Sim won't survive the transplant."

I recoiled, disgusted. "But you said--"

"I know, but there was no way to tell until now. He has just reached an age where on any other species it would be completely safe. I'm sorry. I should've been more thorough."

"Doctor, my Sim... We have to tell him. I--"

"You don't have to," said a voice from the back of the room.

I turned around to see Sim hiding among several medical supplies. He stepped forward.

"So you're just gonna throw me away now, huh? You got what you wanted and now you're gonna toss me in the trash?"

"Sim, please," I walked towards him. He didn't recoil, so I took that as a good sign. I reached out and took his hand. "You heard the doctor just now, we didn't know. We thought you would live out your normal lifespan and--"

"A lifespan of fifteen days? Hardly worth saving to them, huh?" he didn't meet my eyes.

"Sim. Look at me."

He hesitantly brought his eyes up to meet my own.

"They don't want to do this. But Commander Tucker... he's sick, and you're the only one who can cure him."

"So that's what you've got to say to me? The same bullcrap excuse you gave me for my existence when I was twelve?"


"Why don't you just leave me alone?" he walked away and out of Sickbay.

"Sim!" I called after him and began to walk towards him.

"Don't," my father advised. "Give him time to cool down."


"Who has more experience raising a child? Me, or you?" he rose an eyebrow.

I closed my mouth and looked at him, then Phlox, then Trip, before bolting out of Sickbay.


I sat in my quarters, staring at the ceiling. If Sim wanted to talk, he would come to me. I only hoped he didn't hate me now, and that he would forgive me before...

My doorbell rang. I stood up quickly to face the sliding metal doors.

"Come in!" my heart beat quickly and my breathing was heavy.

The door slid open and T'Pol stepped in. My shoulders slumped.

She rose an eyebrow. "I didn't realize my appearance would cause such disappointment."

"No, it's just... Sim just overheard Doctor Phlox telling my father and I that he wouldn't survive the transplant. I was hoping to see him," I sat in a chair at my desk, tapping my fingers on the tabletop.

"Well, I'm... sure everything will turn out okay," she sat on my bed. "I was coming to speak with you about a passage I found in the Kir'Shara that I would like to discuss with you. If now's not a good time--"

"No, that's alright," I turned my chair to face her. "It will be a welcome distraction."

She leaned forward on her elbows. "You know... I hear that it's not healthy for a Human girl of your age to suppress her emotions. I understand that for Vulcans it has helped immensely, but... I only wish to be sure that you are not capping your emotions like a glass bottle that will eventually become too full and shatter."

"Don't worry, T'Pol," I began.

"Worry is--"

"Yeah, I know, a Human emotion," I smiled. "I assure you, I'm suppressing my emotions in a perfectly healthy way. Now, what was it about that passage?"

Unrequited (Trip x OC)Where stories live. Discover now