Time had went pass and I finally heard the doorbell ring. I got up and walked to the door to let Kait in.

I opened the door and she came in and gave me a hug.

"Girl I'm glad you ok" She said hugging me then let me go. She walked in and I closed the door behind her. She took her shades off and took a good look at me.

"What happen to your foot?"

I walked back to the couch and she followed. She sat next to me and turned all her attention to me.

"So last night..um... when we was in the club I seen...I seen him"


"The guy that- that raped me"

She gasped. "Oh my gosh Ranae"

"I was at the bar talking to Omar and when I turned around I seen him in the crowd. It's like everything froze around me, I immediately knew who it was and I got so scared. I went to the bathroom and he followed me in there.. he threatened me and told me not to tell anyone. So I kicked him and ran out the club and hid in a alley until my Uber came. Which explains my foot."

"Ranae... I'm so sorry... I wish you came back to the section so I could help"

"I know I know, but I panicked and just ran" I shook my head and pushed my hair back.

"Come here" she held her arms out. I went into them and she hugged me.

"It's going to be ok baby, he's never going to try to hurt you again I promise. Me and Chris not gonna let that happen"

I wanted to cry but I held my tears back. I let go of her and nodded.

"Thank you so much"

"You know I love my babes" I smiled.

"Where's Brandon big head ass?" I said switching the subject.

"The pain in the ass" she said rolling her eyes.

"But you love that man" I laughed.

"Mhm whatever" she smiled and looked away.

"You got plans today?"

"Uhh yea actually me and him are going out for brunch. He was getting dress while I came over here to check on you"

"Oh that's cute, well I don't want to hold you up sis. I'll hit you up later"

"You sure?"

"Yea I'm sure, I'm about to go wake up Chris and bother him"

"Speaking of Chris, thank God he let me know you was ok last night. I know y'all disagree a lot but he loves you Nae and I know you love him, everything will be ok in paradise babe I just know"

I nodded and smiled.

"Well I will text you later and we're gonna make some plans as soon as you get better okay?" She said getting up and giving me one last hug.

Suffer.  (Chris Brown Love Story) (PAUSED)Where stories live. Discover now