you go into labor

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House- You went into labor at work.
"Oh crap" you muttered
"What?" House asks
"Oh crap House! The baby is coming"
"Get her a room now!" House shouted and soon you were on a bed and pushing
You were in labor for 7 hours until he finally came out

Wilson- It was in the middle of the night and you felt something
"Wilson.... Wilson wake up!"
"Hmmrm?" He said turning over
"The baby is coming! Get the car!"
He shot up and ran towards the door while you tried to get up
"My wife's having a baby!" Wilson said and you got into a room
You were in labor for 9 hours until your bundle of joy came out

Chase- It was late at night and your water broke
"Chase!! Chase sweetie wake up"
"Mmmm" Chase turned over
"Get up! The baby is here"
You hit him with a pillow
he scrambled out of bed and ran to the car
You were in labor for 10 hours

Kutner- You both were sitting on the couch, he was resting on your baby bumb until you felt something
"Kutner... I- I think the baby is coming"


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