He proposes

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Wedding series here we come

House- You guys were arguing one of the worst arguments you've had. You were ready to leave him but he stopped you
"How are we supposed to get married if you leave?"
Your eyes went wide "House are you asking me to marry you"
"I guess"
"You're such an idiot"
"I know. Well are you saying yes or no?"
"Yes" you gave him a big hug

Wilson- He really loves you so he wanted to make sure that nothing got in the way. Not even House (he told Chase and Foreman to keep him distracted) so after your shift you guys went on a walk
"(Y/N) I want to ask you something?"
"Will it matter if I say yes or no" you joked
"Yes. I know I am not the best person because you deserve better but will you marry me?"
"Oh my gosh James yes yes yes!" You hugged him

Chase- You guys were talking about your relationship and marriage came up
"Well I asked you to marry me would you say yes?"
"Well yeah"
"Okay. Will you marry me (Y/N)"

"Wanna get married?"
"Yeah sure"

I'm thinking of finishing this book. But I want to do wedding series and when you have a child. If you want to request something just ask :)

House M.D preferencesWhere stories live. Discover now