☁️dating James Wilson would include ☁️

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- him being really nervous to talk to you

- obviously House would get involved

- quick kisses because you guys have a busy schedule

- cooking together

- frequently telling each other that you love them

- House wanting to go on your dates

- Instantly telling him no

- him crashing anyway

- getting it on quite a bit

- of course House walked in a couple times

- "am I interrupting something?"

- holding hands

- everyone asking when y'all are gonna have children

- House being the godfather if you decide to have children

- slow dancing after stressful days at work

- him crying because he found you

- him also being a little overprotective of you

- everyone loving how cute you guys are

- having meaningful conversations

- guys I love Wilson so much

Yay two chapters in one day! (Also I posted the same thing on my Tumblr lol)

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