"You're so annoying!"

"Nope, I'm just me and myself." He rolled his eyes.

"Do you have a mate?"

"Nah, I never found her." He shrugged.

"What do you think of searching for her?" She suggested.

"I can't leave my job as a third in command."

"What is it like to be a third in the command?" She asked curiously.

"Basically when the beta and the alpha leaves for pack business then the third in command take care of the pack, he usually helps the head warrior to train pups and younger warriors, he also takes part of the decision and punishment."


"Yeah, I'm like the punisher, whenever someone makes a mistake, breaking a rule of the tradition that the old alpha made for peace, they get punished." He explains carefully.

"What kind of punishment?"

"For example, you be in the prison pack for 3 days without food and water or be an omega for one day." Mia felt disgusted, she didn't know that omegas were treated like this.

"What is it like to be an omega?" She asked to get more information about this pack.

"Well being the omega is a low ranked so we made them like maids, some of them don't treat them like a pack member." He sighed.

"And you?"

"I don't treat them like shit obviously, they're like our pack member, a part of our family but the alpha disagrees with that." He called a waiter to pay the check.

"That's awful." She muttered.

"It's not Alpha Blaze faults, it's his father teaching him how to be a ruthless man."

"You know when we were teenagers, we were having fun at parties and sleepovers, Blaze never had a sleepover he was always busy with the alpha training and he made himself occupied with medical school work." Mia felt pity for her mate, he didn't really have the teenager life while she had sleepovers with Lydia and Noah. Even though her whole school life was the worse, in her senior year she felt like she could breathe at least.

"I understand him." She whispered.

"Why? You didn't also have a teenage life?" He asked.

"Somehow like that."

"I thought you were the type of having fun with girls and fun picnics." He squealed in a girly voice.

"You're so embarrassing." She chuckled.

"I know right." He flipped his inexistent long hair over his shoulder.

"Ok drama queen, drop me off by my apartment." She pushed him out of the restaurant and shoved him in his car.

"Let me drive please?" She begged him with two hands.

"Don't hurt my baby." He warned and she rolled her eyes.

"Okay donkey." She said making him gaped at her, she steals his key car and rushed to the driver seat.

"Can you drive?" He asked unsurely.

"Of course, I got my car licence last year." She touched the wheels and rubbed softly.

"Be careful with that."

"Stop worrying about your car!" She said in a yelling voice.

"She has a name and it's Angelina." He caressed the seat as if it was his lover.

"Dude you're so weird." She turned on the ignition.

"Nope, I'm just fucking fantastic." He clapped his hands and lay back on his seat.

"Yeah, you're weird." She whispered.


"Here we are." Mia said and then glance back at Klay who took control of her seat.

"It was a nice drive." He replied.

"I'm the best driver." She said smugly.

"Anyway, I have to go back to the pack, see you late Mia." He waved at her.

"Goodbye Klay." She said and then walked toward her apartment, she can hear the loud roaring coming from his car.

She smirked.

Typical Klay.

She opened the door of her apartment and saw Lydia and Zach on the couch watching the tv.

She took out her phone and captured the scene, they noticed and get away from each other.

"Hi, Luna." Zach said to her bluntly.

"Hey." She replied with the same tone.

"Babe, I'm going back to the pack, goodnight." He pecked her forehead and leave the couch.

"I'm leaving you with her, Luna." Zach said as soon as he walked toward her.

"Don't worry, dude." Mia slapped his shoulder as if they were bro's, Zach cringed and Lydia giggled.

"Sorry, I'm used to this thing." She scratched her neck embarrassed.

"It might run in the family." He sighed deeply and went out of the apartment.

"You have to learn how to be a Luna and not a boy." She laughed and Mia rolled her eyes.

"Jayden taught me that, not me." She blamed his brother who he didn't anything to her.

"I don't know if I can believe you." She rubbed her chin in a thinking way.

"Shut up! I'm going to make dinner." She huffed.

"Thanks sissy."

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