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"Ariana, we need to leave, the house is burning down."

Aberforth pulled her up from the sofa.

"Abe, what happened?"

"Me, Gellert, and Albus were fighting over who could turn on the stove and the whole house is burning now. LET'S GO!"

She saw Albus run out the back, Gellert go through a window and Aberforth sprint out the door.

Stupid boys, she thought.

I'll just stop the fire.

She walked into the kitchen and saw a huge fire.

Maybe if I cover it up it will go away.

She threw blankets over the fire and just about anything she could lift. 

She wasn't scared at all, she could do it.

The fire moved closer to her and Ariana didn't notice. It caught on her dress and she could hear the three boys scream her name over and over.

The flames licked her, but she couldn't feel anything. Soon they got up to her head and she was completely on fire. The boys' screams only got louder and she suddenly felt like her skin was falling off. It was the worst pain she had ever experienced she screamed as her body fueled the devils fire.


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