Brandon's eyes were wide in shock by that point.

"But why would she lie...I just can't help but feel like she was telling the truth about me not being the father."

"You know, I've been thinking." Prince rubbed his chin, "Knowing Billie's personality, when things get tough, she does have a tendency to run or push you away. What if she was trying to put distance between you guys because of something?"

"What could she possibly have been trying to push me away from, though? Everything was going just fine! Billie was happy, I was happy. We were fine. And then she went to her appointment and told me about the C-section thing. We talked on the phone and she sounded fine. Then I come home and she's gone. Next thing I know, she's breaking up with me and then she disappears and we can't find her anywhere. Prince, I don't know what to think..."

"What if Billie was in some sort of trouble...?" Drew said shakily, her voice small and lower lip quivering.

They all fell silent for a bit, pensive and concerned looks on their faces as they pondered what could possibly have so badly provoked Billie's instinct to run to the point that she would break up with Brandon like that and stop contacting anyone.

A car pulled up by the curb, getting their attention and then Mr. Adams stepped out of the driver's side. Brandon sighed and picked up his school bag from the ground, slinging it over his shoulder.

"Brandon, you can't leave yet. We need to figure out this Billie stuff" Drew pleaded.

Brandon's gaze went to the ground apologetically, "I have to go to dinner with my father and some of his work associates."

Christopher walked around the front with a small smirk on his face, approaching the three of them. Prince bristled, his eyes narrowing slightly. Drew stared at him, feeling uncomfortable after the things Brandon had told them about how strict his father was.

"Are these your little friends, Brandon?" he asked, his tone of voice snide and almost derogatory, "Introduce me."

"Yes sir" Brandon said, still looking at the ground, "This is Prince and Drew. Guys, this is my dad."

Drew's phone began to ring, and she hastily pulled it out of her pocket. As she stared at the screen, her eyes widened, tears pooling on her lower eyelid.

"I don't believe it..."

"Drew?" Prince asked, looking at her in alarm, "Who is it?"

"I-It's Billie." Drew picked up the call, her hand trembling as she brought the phone up to her ear, "Billie, where are you?!"

"Drew, this is Selena!"

"Selena?" Drew asked in confusion, "Why do you have Billie's phone? Where's Billie?"

"Look I'm calling about Billie. She's in early onset labour!"

"What? Billie's in labour?" Brandon and Prince's gazes snapped to Drew in alarm. "At thirty weeks? Where is she?"

"We're in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. Drew, Billie's in serious trouble! You need to go to the hospital right now!"

"Wh-what? You're scaring me! What happened to Billie?!"

"She fell down the subway stairs! I've been hiding her in my apartment for the past few days on her request, but we were going back to school so she could talk to you guys and I don't know how she fell but she did and, and, and now they're taking me to the hospital with her! It's bad Drew. Really bad! She hit her head on the way down and she's not responding properly to words and her breathing is really rough and they think she might have punctured a lung with a broken rib and they don't know how bad her head injury is but she might have fractured her skull and on top of that something must have been rattled in her uterus or something and now she won't stop bleeding from her head or from down there and they checked Jellybean's heartbeat with a Doppler and her heartbeat is so low and Billie might have a miscarriage and oh God, I'm so terrified right now! They don't even know if she's going to make it, Drew! If either of them is going to make it! I-I don't know what to do! Just go to the hospital right now! And please bring Brandon!"

Billie and Brandon: Unpredictable CircumstancesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt