Episode One: Oh Captain, My Captain Part 1

Start from the beginning

*trent walks off the boat and waves at the other campers*

Trent: what's up guys.

*gwen smiles awkwardly*

~Confessionals: Gwen~
~I don't know if i'm happy or sad that Trent's here. I mean we didn't really end up on good terms after what happened in action.~

Chris: coming now is the farm boy straight from the south, Scott!

*scott awkwardly walks off the boat with a grin on his face*

Scott: what's up everybody.

*scott walks towards the bench and takes a seat next to courtney*

Duncan: dude you smell like piss and cheese.

Courtney: Duncan!

Duncan: what? I'm just telling it how it is, princess.

*courtney glares at duncan with anger*

Courtney: I told you not to call me that!

Duncan: whatever.

~Confessionals: Duncan~
~Man that chick is annoying. Sticking up for that ditwad scott? She's obviously only doing that to make me jealous.~

Chris: Arriving now is the surfer girl, Bridgette!

Bridgette: what's up guys! Nice to see all of you again!

Duncan: whatever malibu barbie.

*bridgette rolls her eyes and takes a seat next to gwen*

Chris: Lastly Arriving, together. The iconic couple from revenge of the island, Zoey and Mike!

*Mike and Zoey walks off the island together*

Mike: hey guys!

Zoey: hey everyone!

*mike and zoey walk towards the bench and sit next together holding hands*

~Confessionals: Duncan~
~I still got my eyes on that mike guy. I didn't forget what happened in all stars when he turned into mal and sabotaged almost everyone on the island.~

Chris: Ok campers this season we're doing things a little differently. Instead of choosing the teams ourselves, this time we're letting you guys pick the teams.

*everyone cheers*

~Confessionals: Heather~
~Chris being reasonable for once? Surprising.~

Chris: but there is a catch, there's 2 gilded chris's in the woods. And the two campers that get back on the island and have gilded chris's gets to be the team captains and choose their teammates.

~Confessionals: Heather~
~And there it is. I am not going to lose this challenge. No way i'm having Alejandro on my team!~

Chris: ready campers? Set, GO!

*the contestants start running and making their way into the woods, searching everywhere for the 2 gilded chris awards*

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