#1 - Heidi Horn-Hook

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Madelyn's POV

My little girl Heidi is now 3 years old and she is the love of my life (next to harry of course). Ben was crowned king just before she was born but Fairy Godmother's daughter opened the barrier so my mother escaped, I would've gone with her if Harry had let me.

Now she's stuck in Auradon as a lizard and has never met Heidi but luckily she still has her grandfathers (Hades and Captain Hook) sometimes Ursula is nice too her but that's only when shes in a good mood

Uma adores Heidi and has even made her junior Captain, which isn't a real position but Heidi doesn't know that. Harry keeps trying to give her a hook to which we all disagree to because it is too dangerous for a three year old, but its Harry so he let's her play with his all the time when I'm not there

"Love, me and Heidi are heading to the chip shop. You coming?" I hear harry shout from downstairs

After Heidi was born we decided to get an apartment so we can have our own space and Heidi doesnt have to travel between too many places

"Yea give me a second" I shout back

"Hurry up mummy I want to go see auntie Uma" Heidi shouts

"Ok baby" I laugh

I get dresses quickly and head downstairs

"Ok I'm ready" I say coming down the stairs

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"Ok I'm ready" I say coming down the stairs

"Gorgeous" Harry says kissing my cheek as I get to the bottom

"Thank you" I say kissing him on the lips

"Ew mummy daddy sewiouswy" Heidi says covering her eyes

(Don't judge my attempt of three year old talk 🤣)

"Come on little one" I laugh as I scoop her up and head to the door as Harry follows behind us making funny faces at our daughter to make her laugh

Timeskip to the Shoppe

We enter the shoppe and put our swords in the sword check while Heidi put her wooden one in the smaller barrel next to it that uma put in just for her.

"Hey Uma" I say as I spot the pirate captain coming out of the kitchen and puts a tray of food on the main table

"Hey girl, OH MY GOSH is that my favourite girl" she says as I put Heidi down and she runs towards Uma who has her arms out ready to hug her "oh hey harry"

"Yea I'm here as well" he groans as he goes and sits with Gil at the main table and turns on the TV

"Hey isn't that mal the meany" Heidi says pointing at the TV her dad just turn on

"Ugh yes" I say rolling my eyes

"POSER" Uma says putting Heidi down and throwing some food from the tray she just put down at the TV

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