Prologue part 2: A pup's new Pack part 1

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Qrow's P.o.V:

I was currently in my bird form flying to see meet my friend's Taiyang and Summer's home for a visit. I had just finished my mission for Ozpin. It's been a while since I seen my little nieces. Ruby and Yang must have grown a lot bigger the last time I saw them.

But as I flew past the forest I heard a child scream in the forest. I stopped and position myself to listen where was the screaming coming from. I soon followed the sound of the screaming as I listened more closely I saw a young boy no older than Ruby laying next to the tree and OH SHIT AN URSA!

'That kid is going to get torn apart!!!'

I dive down at the Ursa and shift back to human form. I drew out my weapon Harbinger and opened fire at the Ursa. The Ursa roared loudly in pain as landed on the Ursa's back. I shifted Harbinger to sword mode and stabbing and slashing the Ursa's back. I back flipped in front of the kid and shifted my Harbinger one more time into scythe mode. With a single swing of Harbinger, the head of the Ursa falls clean off and the badly falls over dead.

It's body began to turn to dust and I shift Harbinger back to sword mode and holstered my weapon and I took a swing of alcohol from my flask.

"Damn...that's some good stuff." 

I put away my flask and walk over to the kid, his head drooping down. I ran over to the unconscious kid.

"Kid holy hell are you okay come on!"

I see blood running down his head. I pick up the kid and wrapped him around my arms as I began to take him to a nearby doctor's in Patch.

"Hang on kid you're going to make it!!"

I was able to get him to the doctor's place in Patch. The nurse and Doctor began to tend to the poor boy's injuries. As I looked at the boy's injuries I finally notice the boy's clothes a bit torn up and a lot of injuries on his body. This made me concerned and worried.

'What the hell has this poor kid been thru..Those injuries don't look like they came from grimm.'

The Doctor finishes his treatment on the boy and walks over to me.

"How is the kid.."

Doctor: *Sighs* "He will make it he should wake up tomorrow morning..but he shouldn't be like this... I found numerous injuries and scars all over his body.. and some of his bone have a bit of fractures.."

This made me even more worried. What the hell has been thru? I asked the doctor is I could check on the boy.He agrees and he leaves me and him alone. I observe the boy more closely.

'Poor kid....he deserves something better, did something happen to his family...huh.'

I notice something fall out of the boy's pocket. I move my hand close to the thing and picked up and saw it was an old photo. I looked at it and it was a picture of a Lady smiling in the photo holding a baby in the photo smiling happily into the camera.

'Is this the kid's mother...Hm...maybe I will get answers when he wakes up.'

Your P.o.V:

You were in a very dark area all you could see was your hands. You called for someone but all you could here was your voice echoing back. But then you heard "Them."

Father: "USELESS MUTT!!"


Ashley: "It's your FAULT MOM IS DEAD!!"

 Tears run down your face as you cover your trying to block down their voices. But soon you were kicked in the stomach and gotten repeatedly hit by 'them'.

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