Collision (12th Doctor)

Start from the beginning

"Are you finished?"

"Unless you start to flirt so badly again."

"So I won't be trying again." He got up and walked outside the console room, towards the library.

"Wait, Doctor! Where are you going?!"

I was following him when I heard him slamming the door. He did not want me there with him.

I walked back to the console room and start to talk to the TARDIS. "He gets angry easily now. For the past few days, he has been quite bad-tempered like this... I don't know why. Did I do something wrong?" I was looking up at the ceiling and was waiting for a response, as if the TARDIS was listening to me.

"Maybe I shouldn't have laugh... But he was so funny trying to flirt with you. The word 'sexy' sounds so weird on his lips." I chuckled to myself. I was lightly touching the TARDIS' console as I was walking around it. "But when I look at you, I understand why he used to call you like that... 'sexy'."

At my last word, the TARDIS made a weak growl. So, she was listening to me.

"After all, what is a TARDIS? It's a dream becoming reality... a time travel machine made of the highest, best technology of all the universe. A TARDIS is like... a big precious diamond. But it's even better than that." The TARDIS made another noise. "And to know that even a clever person like the Doctor doesn't know about a half of what you can do... That's true! We have so many secrets to discover about you!"

At that last statement, the TARDIS eventually turn on the lights again. She was back to normal.

It took a few minutes for the Doctor to come out of the library though. I was sitting on a seat waiting for him since I didn't know how to fly the TARDIS and I was surfing on the web on my phone.

As I heard his steps on the stairs, I turned off my phone. "Ah! You're here! I was waiting for you."

I was waiting for a response from the Doctor but it didn't happen. "I tried to flirt with the TARDIS to make her work again and it seems it has worked!" I said proudly. But the Doctor still didn't say a thing.

He was again on the console trying to enter some coordinates. But this time he somehow felt colder.

I let him do his things. Suddenly, he pulled down a lever and I lost my balance due to the TARDIS flying away. I saw the Doctor glancing at me through the corner of his eyes. His brows were frowned as always but they seemed to be frowned... deeper. He was being cold.

The TARDIS finally landed somewhere since she stopped moving and swirling around and I gained my balance again. The Doctor was still looking at me but still didn't say a thing.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, he broke it. "Go open the door."

His order was so cold that I did not protest and walk towards the door to open it.

When I opened the door, I could see that we didn't land on any planet. The TARDIS was floating into space.

I heard the Doctor's steps. I could feel that he was behind me, my back nearly touching his chest.

He spoke with a deep voice. "We're in the galaxy of Orpheus. It is known for its asteroids, incapable of colliding into one another."

"Why is that?"

"The gravity of the planets, the density of this galaxy... a lot of facts actually make it impossible. Two asteroids colliding into each other is such a common thing in most of galaxies, except this one. The asteroids won't ever be capable of touching each other. When you really think of it, it's tragic."

"Why are you showing me this?" As I said this, the Doctor put his hands on my shoulders, which was very unexpected of him.

"Sometimes I feel like we are like these asteroids. Like we would never be able to touch each other, to really get to know each other. I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like you are light-years away from me even though you're just before me right now."

"Doctor... I'm not sure I understand."

"What I mean is..." he sighed before pursuing. "I feel like you're never watching me. You're never seeing me. You're never listening to me. You're never touching me... you're so far away from me that you don't even notice me. Our fate is like these asteroids': to never touch each other, ever."

It was very unusual for the Doctor to be this emotional. But my heart broke a bit as he said all of this.

"But I get it now. If you don't see me it's because I'm not good enough."

"What?! What are you saying Doctor?" I turned myself quickly due to shock to face the Doctor. When I looked at his face, I could see that his eyes were wet.

"You laughed before because I was bad at flirting. But I'm so bad at it that you don't even notice me when I'm... doing it with you."

"Why are you saying me all of this?"

"Because I care about you... a lot."

To confess me this in all of a sudden, it means that the Doctor has held it for quite long now. I couldn't help but to feel sorry and guilty. I was mean to him even if I didn't mean to be. I was so mean to him that he compared our relationship to these asteroids: impossible. For him, I couldn't notice him. I couldn't see him. I couldn't... love him back?

Suddenly, I crushed myself towards him and buried my head inside his chest. I wanted to cry because I was feeling so guilty. But I didn't have the time to rest against him that with his hands, he cupped my face and pull it towards his face which was now approaching mine, until our lips were connecting.

His kiss was soft, yet urgent. I could feel he has been restraining himself for a long time. His grip over my face became harder and harder. He didn't want to let me go.

When we broke the kiss, his eyes were searching for something in mines. He was looking if I was regretting the kiss. But I didn't let him the time to look at me that I was already kissing him – again.

I put all my heart into the kiss. Our lips were dancing together. Sometimes our teeth were colliding during our dance. Soon, it was my turn to dominate the kiss, and then it was his turn.

We finally broke apart, both panting. "Did we just break the laws of the Orpheus galaxy by colliding to one another or?..." I asked, smirking to him.

"I don't mind breaking the rules one more time."

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