the meet up.

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It was black. A dark void. Grian looked around terrified. Am I dead...? Grian thought. His whole body hurt. Especially his wings and arm. Something was wrong. He could hear... Talking...

Iskall was writing on his communicator.
"Hey can everyone come to mumbos base?" He typed slowly. Mumbo turned to iskall.
" help me carry him in. " he said to iskall. Iskall nodded and helped mumbo half drag half pull grians body into the hobbit hole. They set grian down on mumbos bed. Iskall leaned against the wall waiting for the hermits to come.
"Not many people are online iskall." Mumbo muttered writing something on a piece of paper.
" false and cleo are on.. Maybe they'll come... " Iskall snapped back. Mumbo grumbled he hadn't checked the list in a while.
. . .

Grian stayed still listening closely. Mumbo and iskall? Where the heck am i? Grian asked himself. Has a new season already started? Grian questioned. Grian felt reality again. It struck him like a bullet everything was sore his wings felt broken and he could barely move. Grian groaned in pain slowly opening his eyes. Everything was blurry his vision unfocused.
"Grian?" Came mumbos voice. Grian struggled to sit up but flopped back down groaning in pain.
" Iskall do you have a health potion? " mumbo asked hurriedly.
"Let me check..." Said iskall. Grian couldn't see them he could only see a spruce cieling with a lantern just above his head. Grian tried to move but he couldn't feel his legs or arms. He felt weighed down by some unseable force.
" I don't have one on me mumbo. " Iskall replied.
"Well crap." Mumbo muttered to himself.
" Grian can you speak? " mumbo asked. Grian paused. His throat was hoarse..
"Yes..?" Grian managed to choke out he coughed roughly.
" Grian you sure? " mumbo joked. Grian laughed silently. Oh great I can't talk. Grian thought. Mumbo leaned over the bed to where Grian could see him.
"Where does it hurt?" Mumbo asked.
" everywhere-" Grian started before coughing again. He growled in annoyance. Grian felt vulnerable at this state. Mumbo looked at grians arm
"Broken.." He noted. Mumbo moved grians arm to a more natural position.
" Ow! Hey! " Grian snapped pain shooting up his arm.
"Sorry but we have to bandage this." Mumbo states to grian.
" hey Iskall what's up? " came a voice from mumbos door.
"Cleo!" Iskall exclaimed.
" come here we have a new guest! " Iskall chirped happily.
"Not the right time to be happy iskall." Mumbo snapped at him. Iskall hung his head a little ashamed.
" you called? " falses voice rang through the hobbit hole.
"Yeah. Come in." Iskall invited gesturing them to come in. They both walked over to the bed.
" GRIAN! " false exclaimed hugging him.
"Ooooow...." Grian yelped in pain. False jumped back.
" Oh my god I'm sorry! " false apologized hanging her head.
"So since when has Grian been here?" Cleo asked. Mumbo turned his attention to cleo.
" care to explain grian? " mumbo asked stiffly. Grian paused. He couldn't tell them that something was tracking him.
"I uh- I hit a wall and crash landed..." Grian mumbled a little cautiously. False gasped in horror.
" Oh come on he does this all the time. " mumbo muttered. False rolled her eyes. Mumbo turned his attention back to grian wrapping it in bandages. Stiff pain rolled up his arm as Grian gritted his teeth to stop complaining.
"There you go." Mumbo said stepping backward. Grian tried to sit up still sore. He's managed to sit up. He looked around for a second admiring the base mumbo lived in.
" taking my advice huh? " Grian joked. Mumbo rolled his eyes crossing his arms. Grian looked down at the 'cast' mumbo put on him. Then his attention drew to his sweater.
"Oh no.. How far did I fall from?" Grian asked. It was covered in dirt and several rips and tears scattered all over it.
" I'm not sure you didn't load in for a few seconds. We just saw a large fire ball... " mumbo trailed off. Grian looked up at mumbos face. It was hidden in the shadows. Grian felt bad. He almost died.... Again... Grian felt weak. All his energy drained.
"Ok reunion over. Everyone give Grian some space." Mumbo said shooing everyone out of his base. Grian looked over at mumbo.
" will I ever be ok? " Grian asked doubtfully.
"You'll heal in a couple of weeks." Mumbo stated. Grian nodded laying back down.
" few weeks.... " Grian muttered. Grian closed his eyes drifting into a painful sleep.

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