Chapter (36): The Hacker & The Stealthy

Start from the beginning

"Do you remember Raymond Gray?"

She fidgeted in her seat, feeling uneasy. "... Unfortunately, yes. Why do you ask?"

"Because we need your help in setting him up"


"Yeah. He..." He came closer to her talking in a low voice. "He tried to rape one of my friends"

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Is she okay?"

"She is but apparently Gray is blackmailing her and we really need your help"

"I'll do everything I can. I've been there"

"I just need from you to have our backs by telling the police that Raymond Gray is a sexual perv who rapes his students"

"Nobody believed me last year when I said that. They said that I was a liar!" She stated with hurt. "And I shamed my family's name because of it and they never ever believed me. I-I can't go through that again"

"But we do believe you especially that he tried to rape my friend and I'm sorry that happened to you" He sighed and took a seat beside her. "If we have your testimony and Avery's and the proof; we could lock him in jail"

She was silent for a minute thinking about her revenge on the infamous Raymond Gray.

"I promise you he will be gone but only if you helped us"

She looked around the campus and played with the pen in her hand nervously then met his eyes. "Okay, what do you want me to do?"

He smiled and began to explain the plan to her and she seemed convinced with the plan.


Avery was outside Raymond's office, getting herself ready to face him, she knew what she was doing was risky but it's the best solution. She knocked on his office door and let herself enter. Once he saw her he had a devilish smile on his face.

"I'm glad we understand each other" he said.

"I'm here to hand you over this assignment"

She put it on his desk and he grabbed her wrist gently, brushing his finger over it. She let out a small gasp when he pulled her closer, that she felt his lips were brushing her cheek.

"Hand me the assignment, huh? You sure that's all what you wanna do?"

His hand went to the small of her back and she gritted her teeth, fighting the urge not to scream for help.

"Meet me tonight at my place, okay? It will be an unforgettable night. You won't regret it"

He went back to his desk and she turned around leaving his office. April was passing by chance and saw Avery leaning against the wall.

"Is it settled?" she asked.


"So is Steve, he managed to find Susan and she agreed"

"Finally, good news today" She sighed.

"You sure you wanna do this?"

"Positive" She glanced at her clock. "It's almost three"

"Yeah, Steve went to pick up Danni and Susan is with them"

"What are we gonna do now?"

"We could focus on your plan now and let them do the rest"


Danni, Steve and Susan arrived outside Gray's house according to the address Avery gave them. The three stepped out of the car and looked around for anyone who could see them trying to break in.

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