Chapter 7

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*3rd person POV*

The tears finally spilled over the edge of the mask, leaving darkened tear tracks down the white and pink plaster. It seemed as though time stopped as the two boys stared at eachother. Sal pulled Travis closer to him, looking into his eyes pleadingly.

"Please, don't go.. we need to talk about all this," Sal begged, grasping Travis's hands tighter. Travis shook his head slightly, seeming dazed.

"Oh, uh.. ok. Should we head up to your apartment, or..?" He took one of his hands out of Sal's grasp to scratch the back of his neck. His face was bright red, and so was Sal's.

"Yeah, let's uh.. let's go." Sal started walking towards the door, releasing Travis's hand (to the blond boy's disappointment). They made their way to the elevator and stepped in, standing in an awkward silence.

After what seemed like an eternity in that stuffy elevator, they finally arrived in the apartment. Sal opened the door and walked in with Travis in tow.

"Hey kiddos," Henry greeted.

" Hi dad, sorry about that. We're ok now." Sal said, walking towards his door. Travis hurried after him. Sal shut the door behind them and sat on the bed, patting the spot next to him. Travis sat down gingerly and nervously bounced his leg.

"So, uh.. how long have you liked me?" Sal asked, turning to face Trav. The blond boy turned as well, chuckling nervously.

"A while a-actually, I think it started around when I met you." He smiled slightly. Sal felt his heart flutter and his face heat up a bit. "What about you? I never got the feeling you liked me."

"I'm not sure, actually. I think it just subtly developed over time." Sal said. He turned towards the room and focused on the carpet. "Now  that you mention it, I think it started when we talked for the first time. You weren't really too nice, but there was something about you that drew me in." He grinned and tilted his  head slightly, turning back to Travis.

Travis's heart skipped a beat and he broke eye contact, staring intently at the floor. Why did Sal have to be so cute?! Suddenly, Sal cleared his throat. Travis looked over at him and saw him looking away, toying with his covers.

"So, uh.." Sal stuttered, his face flushing red. "What are we gonna do about this?"

"I'm not sure. My dad would k-" He cut himself off, gulping. "..My family isn't too keen on this type of thing. The wouldn't be too happy if they knew about me liking a boy."

Sal frowned and pulled his legs off the floor, sitting cross-legged on the bed and turning his body to face Travis. "So your family's homophobic?"

"Well not really. They're not scared of gays, they just don't like them." His fists clenched and his eyes darkened. "Seeing as it's against the Bible and all."

Sal smiled sympathetically, reaching out to pat Travis's arm. "I know how you feel. Unfortunately, I've had to deal with people like that before."

Travis felt a twinge of anger at the thought of anyone harming Sal. He was kind of a protective person.

"If anything happens, feel free to come over here, ok? I'll always be here for you." Sal smiled reassuringly, and Travis's heart melted a little bit.

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind." Travis didn't really intend to come over when Father got angry, he didn't want to bother Sal with his feelings. He knew that it'd only end badly anyways, possibly with Father finding out about Sal and preventing them from seeing eachother.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

"Yo Sal, you in there? Wanna come to the basement and hang out?" The unmistakable voice of Larry made Travis's heart drop. He felt a pit form in his stomach and he began to feel even more anxious than he already was. Sal looked over at Travis and noticed him looking nervous.

"I'm gonna go talk to him, ok?" Sal said softly, placing his hand on Travis's to comfort him. Travis nodded a bit and smiled weakly, giving a thumbs up. Sal giggled a bit and shook his head. "I won't be gone for long."

The blue boy stood up and walked to the door, glancing back at Travis before opening it. He walked out quickly and shut it, leaving Travis alone.

Word count: 740 words

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