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After a little while, Sal pulled away, breathing a bit heavily. Travis opened his eyes, staring at Sal with his lips separated. His breathing was uneven and heavy. A moment of silence went by before he cracked a smile. Sal smiled back at him, adjusting his prosthetic back into place. Travis caught a glimpse of scar tissue as Sal adjusted his mask back into place.

He sat back on his knees and stared at the floor.

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I kissed a boy? Like an actual boy? That means I'm gay- that's a sin! No, shut up, it's ok- SALLY'S GAY. I'M GAY? GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY G-

"Uh, Travis?" Sal's call for his attention snapped him out of his swirling thoughts. Travis looked up quickly.

"Y-yeah?" He stuttered, instantly hating himself for it. God, it sounded dumb.

"...you good?" Sal laughed a little, placing his hand over Travis's on the floor. Travis flinched a bit, causing Sal to draw his hand back in surprise.

"I, uhm..." Travis spluttered, unable to make coherent words from his mess of thoughts. "That was... gay."

Silence filled the room as Sal sat and professed for a couple of seconds.

"... yes Travis," He said gently, if a bit reprehensive. "It was. We are gay, Travis."

"Well, I mean, yeah," Travis said. "I'm not dumb. I've just never... been? That gay before? Ever?"

Sal couldn't keep himself from laughing again, which earned him a dirty look from Travis.

"I'm sorry," he said. "It's just... cute. You're cute. I like when you get all... fluster-y like that. It's nice."

"GAH." Travis made some kind of noise and ducked down into his hands, his face flushing deep red. Sal laughed again and leaned forward, placing his hand on Travis's shoulder.

"It's ok," he said. "You'll get used to it."

Travis went quiet for a second. He put his head up again, eyes peeking over the edge of his purple sweater. Sal had his head leaned back against the wall with his eyes shut and his knees up. His blue pigtails brushed just above his shoulders. In the silence, Travis could hear him breathing. He wanted to kiss him again. He needed to. He needed the feeling of Sal's lips against his, the texture of his scarring and the softness of his breath. 

Travis put his arms down and scooted forwards, resting his head on Sal's knees. It was a bit difficult due to their height difference, but he didn't mind too much. Sal looked down at him, his head still back. Oh my God.

Travis felt his face getting redder and redder but couldn't look away. Sal's gaze had caught him, and wasn't letting him go. His piercing blue gaze seemed to grab hold of Travis and pull him closer. Without even meaning to, Travis's hand travelled to Sal's knee, and he moved forwards. Sal moved his head down and his eyes widened. 

Travis's other hand crept up Sal's shin and landed on his other knee, slowly pulling his legs aside to get closer.

"Is this okay?" Travis breathed, stopping for a moment. Sal's mouth was agape under his prosthetic.

"Please," was all that Sal could get out, and that was all Travis needed.

He put more pressure, pushing Sal's legs open and sliding between them on his knees. One of his hands travelled onto Sal's chest and the other to his face, hitching his prosthetic up again to reveal his mouth. Travis only hesitated a split second before pushing forward and locking his mouth with Sal's.

This time it was more passionate, more needy. Like an addiction. Travis's hand grasped the side of Sal's face and pulled him close, pulling him upwards so he was on his knees. Sal gasped into the kiss, but he couldn't seem to pull away either. His hands moved to Travis's sides, then to his chest, then to his shoulders, pulling him in even harder. Their chests were pressed together and hands grasping eachother, wanting, needing more of the other.

Travis pushed Sal back onto the floor, pulling them apart for a second. Sal gasped again, but Travis quickly leaned down and pressed his lips against Sal's. Sal reached his hand into Travis's hair, grabbing hold.

They stayed like that for God knows how long, with roaming hands and greedy mouths. They finally pulled apart, breathing heavy and disheveled. Travis's bright blond hair was spiked up in all kinds of different places, and Sal's mask was pushed to the side, revealing more of his face, his left cheek and almost half of his nose. He quickly yanked the mask down, fixing the clips and properly fitting it into place.

Neither could say a word. What could they say? That moment- the passion, the greed to savor the other's taste on their lips- no words can encapsulate that feeling.

Travis fixed his hair up and stood, offering a hand to Sal, who graciously took it. He yanked the smaller boy to his feet, sending him reeling a bit. Travis caught him with his other hand, chuckling a little. He led Sal to the classroom door. Right as he grabbed the handle, the bell rang, signaling a passing period. Thank God.

Word count: 880

A/N: NONE OF THIS IS SEXUAL!!! its supposed to be passionate and heavy, but not in a sexual sense. They are in middle school, and I am nowhere near comfortable writing something sexual about a middle schooler. Anything beyond basic kissing and lowkey affection will not be taking place until they're aged up to seniors in highschool or further. Thanks yall, love the patience with my inconsistent updates <333

- Buggy

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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