Diary 4: Entry 1

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I woke to an empty bed and an empty phone. There had been no calls or texts from Siyeon or Sua since that night. That would be three days prior. Or was it four?

Maybe I hadn't fully recovered from that concussion after all.

My thumb flicked aimlessly through apps as I pondered whether I should call them when my phone buzzed in my hand. I gasped and almost dropped it. Then I saw who was calling.


"Yes, it's me, Yoohyeon."

"Why are you calling me?"

"The doctors told me to check in on you after you were discharged. How are you?"

I grunted. "It hurts to move, but I'm okay. Why else are you calling?"

There was a beat of silence before Jiu sighed. "Because I failed my English exam. I have to take a supplementary exam."

"I take it you want my help."


"How bold of you."

"I-I know, but I wouldn't ask if I didn't need to."

"My usual tutoring rate is 40 000 won. For you it's 60 000."


"You used me for your gain. It's only fair."

"I...to be honest, I-I'm barely making rent as it is. I don't think I can afford that."

"Then find a way."

Jiu was silent for several moments. Then: "I'll have sex with you. For free. Whenever you want. Just please help me pass this. Please."

The desperation straining her voice broke me. No matter how I wished otherwise, my heart bled for her. "Okay. I will."

A sigh. "Thank you so much, Yoohyeon. I promise I'll make it up to you. Shall I meet you at the university library?"

"No. I'll come over to your place."

"Oh. Ye-yes, that's fine. When can you come over?"

"This afternoon. 3pm."

"I'll see you then. Thank you again, Yoohyeon. Really."

"Yeah, yeah." Then I hung up.

I arrived at Jiu's dingy apartment complex at 3pm sharp. I texted her: "I'm here."

Five minutes later, the door opened, revealing Jiu standing in a blood red bathrobe. Wryly, I wondered what was under it.

"Come in," she said. I hobbled through the doorway. "How's the pain?"

I shrugged. "Eh."

But she wrapped her arm around mine anyway and walked me up to her apartment.

It was honestly about the same size as mine, but worse for wear. The paint flecked off the walls, revealing bare plaster. The ceiling was straight-up unpainted. Its hard, grey concrete bore oppressively down on us. Her bedspread was bright pink and dotted with little, white bunnies. The only hint of colour in the dilapidated building.

Jiu sat on her bed and slid her robe off her shoulders. Her matching red lingerie was breathtaking, but the squirming of my heart shattered the spell in a split-second.

"No," I said, holding my hand up. "That won't be necessary. Let's just get some work done."

Jiu halted at my word, frowning momentarily, then wrapped the bathrobe around her again.

We spent that session going over the exam - what she did well, what she had trouble with - and came up with a study plan. Okay, it was mostly me coming up with the plan, but she looked so lost and despaired that I couldn't help it. I couldn't help it.

Jiu ran her hand through her hair. "Thank you for this, Yoohyeon. I won't forget it."

I held up my hands, laughing nervously. "Okay, I get it. You can stop thanking me already."

She nodded. "I still have to give you your payment, though." She began to take off her robe again.

My hands reached out and clasped hers, stopping her in her tracks. She looked at me. Her eyes searched mine.

"Yoohyeon..." she murmured.

"Jiu," I said, "you really don't have to."

As I packed up my things, I noticed the stricken expression on her face. I didn't know what to make of it, so I ignored it.

I opened the door and stepped out of her apartment, but before I got any further, Jiu grabbed my arm.

"Wait," she said.

I turned around to find her gazing into my eyes. There was a breath. A moment. A small movement. Then Jiu darted forward and pecked my cheek so lightly I wasn't sure it even happened.

Her face flushed and she ducked her head. "See you on Friday." As per the study plan.

"See you then," I replied dumbly.

The door closed. I hobbled away, ignoring my ab pains as always.

And I tried in vain to ignore my racing thoughts.

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