04. The Breaking Point

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Two years with him and all our memories flashed through my mind. How could he do this to me? I cried out in frustration, careless to those who would hear. I knew my parents would call me stupid for acting this way, but I wasn’t in a position to care. Heartbroken I let all my emotions out. I felt like stabbing myself, throwing everything and ripping my room apart. The only thought stopping me from doing so was knowing how useless it would be.

An hour into my crying I had settled down enough for my sisters to come knocking.

“Cari, we are coming in whether you like it or not.”

Lia and Olive stepped in and closed the door.

“Mom and dad think you’re crazy. We had to explain to them what was going on. Either that or they were set on coming in here to pull your hair out themselves.” Olive, the oldest of us all, said to me.

“Sorry Cari. We know you didn’t want them to know, but they would have found out sooner or later. They think it was irresponsible of what he did but they also said you were better off without him.”

None of what they were saying soothed me. I lay hidden under my blanket with tears still streaming down.

“Just say it. I know you want to,” I said to them.

“Say what?” Olive asked me.

“‘I told you so’. You’ve been dead set against him from day one.”

“Yea, I didn’t like him. You’re my sister and I’m over protective. I could see he was hiding a lot more than he was showing. I just didn’t want to see you get hurt.”

“I am hurt though. How could he do this to me? Writing what he did for all our friends and family to see.”

“Your family and friends stood up for you in that post. He was getting so many hate messages he deleted it. Okay he may have deleted it after doing some more immature things. But the fact is, your people know you and they know he was a douche to do what he did.”

“That makes it so much better. They all know I was going to run away and marry that jerk.”

“We all make mistakes, Cari. No one is perfect. Be happy he screwed up before you actually went through with it,” Olive said trying to talk sense into me.

“Now we need to get you out of that bed. We have a full day ahead of us.”

“No,” I said pulling the blankets closer to me.

“Lia, get ready. We’re getting her out no matter what,” Olive said to the youngest of the three.

“Okay!” Lia replied.

“Stop being annoying and leave me to wallow,” I said to them.

They weren’t having any of it. Both of them were too strong for me. They pried the blankets off and tried to take off my clothes when I wouldn’t comply with their orders. With the promise of taking a shower by myself they left me to get ready for the day.

They weren’t surprised at my hangover and told me to suck it up when I whined about it.

My sisters pulled me along for the long schedule they had made up. Around the town they took me. Forcing me to eat sweets, sit through a horror movie, and talked gossip into my ears as they made me try on clothes after clothes.

As much as they tried to make sure I didn’t fall into the pit of depression, it didn’t work. At first it was easy to put up a facade of ignorant bliss, but soon after my thoughts ate away at me. I was useless. There was no hope for me. I had given up everything for a life with Adam. I didn’t apply for colleges. I didn’t even know what my hobbies were since most of my time was with Adam. He was my everything and now my everything was gone.

The Unwanted Promise (New Cover, Same Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن