The Interview

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Once the door is open they walk into the deserted lobby and the entire place screams wealth with elegant gold designs and floor to ceiling windows.

Feeling out of place, all she can say is-Wow.

Helena turns to face her and says-It is 7:40 now. Let's go on the elevator and head to Mr. Bark's office. 

Walking towards the elevator and once in Helena presses the highest button.

A minute later they step out of the elevator and Helena turns to the right and stops a few doors down.

Helena turns to her and gives her a quick hug-This is his office. You will do great. Once your done text me, my office is just down the hall. I already told my secretary you will be coming in after your interview and waiting in the sitting area until my lunch break.

While nervous on the inside she puts on her serious game face on the outside. She responses-Thanks again for driving me here. I should probably head in since its better to be early than on time.

Helena gives her one more quick hug and departs with saying-Good Luck! 

Penelope breathes deeply then squares back her shoulders and walks into the waiting room with confidence.

A college aged blonde hair blue eyed girl at the desk says-You must be Penelope Williams. My name is Brittany Anderson. I will check if Mr. Bark is available to interview you now or if you need to wait until 8 o'clock. 

Brittany goes into the back for a minute and she comes out with a male in his mid-20s following her. The male looks strong with his heavy muscle body and 6'5 height. He has black hair and blue eyes.

The male comes over to her and holds out his hand-Ms. Williams, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Benjamin Bark and the Chief Operating Officer here at Thomas International. I look forward to interviewing you for the business director position. Shall we head into my office?

She grasps his hand firmly and says-Please call me Penelope. Thank you for taking the time to interview me today. Lead the way.

Benjamin leads her into his office and locks the door. The office space is large, but homey. After Benjamin sits at his desk and gestures for her to sit at the one in front of his desk, they begin the interview.

Benjamin-Who are you?

Confused she replies-I am Penelope Williams.

Benjamin smirks-What I meant was who are you as a person?

She ponders on what to say for a minute before replying-I am Penelope Williams. I am 25 years old. I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania business school. Currently my position has been as business director for the last two years at a Fortune 500 company. My top three personality traits are that I am strong, determined, and passionate. I have no family, which allows me to put all my energy into my work. My hobbies outside of work include reading, exercising and volunteering at a women's and children shelter.

Benjamin smiles-We like our employees to have a work life balance. One of the perks of working here is a employee state of the art gym. Also, we hold a couple of employee sporting events a year, which promotes employee bonding. Moreover, I am glad to hear you volunteer at a women's and children shelter. May I ask why?

She frowns while replying-Growing up, I lived in a traditional family with my father as the head of the family and my mother and I had to be submissive to him. Like I said before I am strong, determine, and passionate which was a personality he tried to beat out of me. On top of that I am a feminist who believes that women have the potential to be so much more in life if they only have the opportunity. So when I left my family when I was eighteen I had nothing, but someone helped me. Consequently, I promised myself I would return the favor someday. So once I finished college and became the business director I started helping out at the local shelter. In time I became a mentor for the women and children and showed them that they can have nothing, but with enough determination and hard work can do anything they put their minds too.

Benjamin frowns-I am sorry to hear that you had to go through that. Undoubtedly, I know that there needs to be more females in leadership positions at Fortune 500 companies. Fortunately, we have a 50/50 split of male to female in the higher positions in this company. Since Thomas International does not discriminate by gender, race, or disability.

Benjamin continues-Let's move on. Tell me why you think you are qualified for this position?

She answers-In my two years as the business director at the Fortune 500 company I work at I have...

For an hour she talks about what she has done at her current job, what a Thomas International's business director has done, and what she can do in addition to what the position already requires.

In the end, Benjamin looks impressed. After a minute of staring at her it looks like he came to a decision. 

Benjamin smiles-While our CEO is currently away, it is up to me to hire someone to fill the position. Ms. Williams, I am impressed with your resume and everything we have talked about. As a result, I would like to hire you for the position. However, the only issue would be that you would need to sign a contract stating you will stay in the position for at least a year.

She enthusiastically replies-That will be no problem for me. Since I am looking to settle down.

Benjamin smiles-Now that this is out of the way I have one more issue to talk to you about.

Frowning a little I ask-What is it?

Benjamin uses his left arm to take off a bracelet on his right arm. All of a sudden I smell that he is a beta werewolf.

Instantly I move back in horror and shock. 

Calmly he states-We need to talk about a rogue being on our territory. 

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