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harry and louis arrived in doncaster the next day, immediately being wrapped in hugs by lou's family.

"harry!" jay cries, embracing the tall lad and reaching up to ruffle his curls. "how is my handsome son in law?"

harry grins, "i'm doing swell. happy to be here."

jay smiles at him before turning to louis, whose got the twins attached to his legs. "daisy, phoebe," she scolds. "come here, lou! look at you!"

harry turns his attention to the twins, managing to pry them off of louis and pulling them into a hug. "hey gals."

"hiya," daisy giggles before wrestling out of harry's hold and running back to the house. louis and harry follow close behind, harry taking louis' bag from him.

"thanks, love," louis mumbles.

harry raises an eyebrow. louis would never let harry do that, as the boy was very much against harry helping louis with anything. "are you tired?" harry asks, brushing louis' hair off his forehead.

"yeah, a bit. kinda sore as well."

harry frowns. "baby giving you trouble?" louis wasn't one to admit to needing help or being uncomfortable at all, especially to harry.

louis nods and subconsciously touches his stomach. "just don't mention it to my mum or she'll freak."

"of course," harry grabs both bags in one hand and places the other on lou's back.

"come, eat!" jay exclaims. "i've been cooking all weekend, and you both must be starving after the drive."

when louis hesitates, harry says, "i could always go for some food, thank you. would it be possible for louis to take a nap, though? poor boy barely slept last night, he was so excited to come home."

"of course!" she says, pushing the two boys towards the stairs while louis shoots harry a grateful glance. "rest up before dinner and harry can get you all settled. bet the baby's wearing you out as well, yeah?"

louis smiles. "thanks, mum. i'll be down shortly."

harry follows louis into his childhood bedroom, smiling as he looks around since the room hasn't changed a bit since louis was a kid.

it's the third time harry's been to louis' home. the first was when harry had been to meet louis' family for the first time and the tomlinsons had immediately fallen in love with harry, two and a half years ago. louis had been extremely nervous, since he had only come out as gay to his family six months before. harry and louis had been on a few dates before harry convinced louis to come out.

the second was a year or so later. the boys had come for christmas to announce their engagement. the two got married less than six months later, much to their mothers' dismay (who wished the two had spent more time planning (but "boys will be boys", as anne said)).

"get some rest, love. i'll unpack," harry says. louis nods and into the small bed. harry pulls the covers over his boy, his fingers grazing slowly over louis' ever-growing stomach.

harry moves the bags towards the closet and hangs their dress shirts and places t-shirts and jeans in the dresser drawers. his flannels all go on hangers and he pulls a recently purchased purple one (to replace the one they shrunk) and hands it to louis. louis lazily shrugs it over his shoulders and harry sneaks out to let him sleep.

he finds louis' mum in the kitchen where, as promised, food awaits him. harry makes himself a plate, thanking her for the food.

"i hear you and louis are heading to mexico." jay says, smiling at her son in law.

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