chapter 23: fixed the past and first day of school

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Sonata was sleeping and so was dragon. He was holding her close. Soon cherry bragged in. "Mom! Dad wake up! Its my first day of school!"said cherry happily

"Not it"said sonata

Dragon playfully rolled his eyes and cherry left running. He got dressed and so did sonata. They walked down where everyone was. Adagio and aria had their siren necklaces. Harmony and melody were talking and laughing. Soon there was a knock on the door. "Ill get it"said sonata

She opened the door to see tulip and scan "tulip! Scan!"

Tulip hugged sonata "hey girl. Guess what?"

"what?"said sonata

"Scan asked me to marry him"said tulip

"Omg that's grate! What did you said?"said sonata

"Yes! We are getting married and I want you to be my best bride!"said tulip

"Aww tulip"said sonata

Scan told everyone the grate news. Soon they dropped off cherry. Cherry walked in and found her locker. She opened it and then the doors open and tulips dad and mom were there. So was clover and red heart. They were the only two with them. "Hey cherry"said tulips dad

"Hey there"said cherry

"are you excited for the first day of school?"asked tulips mom

"Yes I am. But Im kind of nervous"said cherry

They talked for a bit before the left. Cherry locked her things and walked. She was to busy talking to clover and red heart she wasn't watching were she was going. Soon she bumped into someone. Causing her to fall back but before she could the person catcher her by the waist. "Whoa sorry"said the guy

Cherry looked to see who it was. She blushed as she saw. "Sorry there. Urm hi my name is shadow. What's your name?"asked shadow

"Cherry blossom"said cherry as she blushed

Shadow smiled ~she is cute. Almost like a princess~ he thought. "Shadow stop flirting with girls"said a guy

"Sonic be quite. Excuse him"said shadow

They were still in that positing and she quickly got up "well thank you very much shadow. See you around"said cherry

She walked off with clover and red heart to their class

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