chapter 1: a untold secret

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Dragon and the others went home for coffee. "Why dragon be a target? What dose he have in this?"asked melody

Dragon knew why he was the taget. Cherry sat on the couch with shadow. Shadow held her close and comfort her. Her warm tears fell on his hand and he felt them. His princess was in pain. He sighed and kisses her forehead. Dragon was having his own problem. He know why he was the main target. It bothered him. It was his fault his wife died. He slapped himself and everyone looked at him like he was crazy. He nervously chuckled and let everyone keep talking. "Princess are you feelings better?"asked shadow

Cherry sat up and shake her head "I lost my mother to a crazy person and I dont know why"

She let her hot tears fall down her cheek and shadow cleaned them off and brought her close. Cherry cried the whole night and shadow didn't sleep. He was to worried about cherry. Dragon was in his room and looked at the empty space in the bed. The sense of loneliness filled his body. He then thought of tulips dad and the anger he had. "Why cant he let it go?"asked dragon

He sighed and tried falling asleep but couldn't. He wished he could hold his sonata one more time. He thought of all those fun times he had with sonata. The day they got married was wonderful.

~Flash back~

Sonata was in the room getting ready. Adagio helped sonata with her hair. At the end she looked beautiful in her white wedding dress. She smiled and giggled. "Well sonata the day came where you will finally get married"said aria

"I wish you both the best sonny"said melody

"Thanks guys. I dont know what I would do with out you guys"said sonata

"So officer Rodriguez is going to hand you to dragon?"said harmony

Sonata nodded and skyler walked in "guys its time"

Skyler, star, melody, harmony, aria, and adagio grabbed their flowers. They left and sonata grabbed her flowers. She smiled and Rodriguez came in and held out his hand. She took it and left. The wedding song came on. They could hear the splashing of the waves. Their ceremony was taking place in a hill next to the beach. It was under a cherry blossom tree where sonata and dragon would be standing. Evergome stood up and dragon was kind of nervous. They saw Rodriguez and sonata walk up the hill. Dragon saw and he smiled. Sonata looked so beautiful. Rodriguez handed sonata off to dragon. "You look beautiful"whispered dragon

Sonata smiled. She looked at her brides made and smiled. Skyler smiled and waved. Sonata giggled then the ceremony began. They both said their vows and dragon placed the ring in sonata finger and sonata did the same. "You may kiss the bride"said the person who was leading the ceremony

Sonata blushes and so did dragon. He kissed her and she kissed back. Cherry blossom petals fell and sonata caught one. She looked at dragon "if we ever have a baby girl we are naming her cherry blossom"

"Fine with me. That's actually a nice name"said dragon

~End of flash back~

Dragon smiled and then he remembered the time sonata told him she was pregnant. It hit him like a rock but at the end he was happy. Shadow laid with cherry on the couch. He could feel her warm sweet breath. He couldn't help it. He gently kissed her. Cherry woke up by it and blushed. She didn't stop him. Then she pulled away and shadow saw she was awake and blushed "that's another way to wake me up"said cherry with a giggle

"Oh well urm........I feeling better?"he asked

"A bit. I still miss my mom"said cherry

"We all do my princess. We all do"said shadow

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