chapter 13: a bitter sweet taste

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The next day

Cherry woke up to a pillow that was wet. Her eyes burned and theybwere red. She cpuldnt stop crying. Cotton sighed and helped her up. Cherry was lost once more on the depth of what was going on. She couldn't really hold on to a fact. She lost all hope. Cotton sighed and looked out the window..she missed the sun. But the sun hasn't come out ever since sonata died. Cherry sighed and looked at the time. "Why bother even looking at the time. There's nothing to way for. To hope form. Or to look forward too"said cherry

"Time is a pain. Cherry come on we need to train. Ill help you. Not cause I like you but because I also want to be free"said cotton

Cherry sighed and stood up. Cotton walked to the door. Cherry then heard a voice. "Do you hear that?"asked cherry

Cotton stopped and hear it to. She took out her gun (what's up with each character having guns like omg XD) she walked to where the sound was coming from and cherry followed. She walked to sonatas. She put her head against it. Cherry looked at cotton swirl with confusion. Cotton kept her head against it. She couldn't hear anything and then she heard a beeping sound. Cottons eyes went with with terror. "Run!"screamed cotton

She took cherries hand and ran. Cherry didn't know what was going on. But she ran with cotton. Cotton kicked the front door opened and ran. Then they heard a bang that cause them to fall to the ground. Cottonnswirl made sure she covered cherry from any debris. When it all finished they just heard wood cracking in the fire. Cotton helped cherry up. The house was on fire. Some parts of it were gone. They watched as the house burn. Firefighters came to put it out. "They put a bomb in your moms bed room"said cotton

Cherry cried. She didn't cry because of the house. She cried because of all the memories it carried. She watched as her only thing keeping her happy burn to the ground. Cotton saw and let go of cherries hand. She ran towards the house. "Cotton no!"screamed out cherry

People tried to stop her but she made it threw any ways. Cotton was looking around everywhere for something. She ran up to sonatas room and grabbed a few things. She did the same for every room. She didn't care if she was getting dirty or it was getting harder to breath. She arrived at cherries room and got a few things. She was about to leave before she saw was seemed like a stuff bear on her bed. It looked old. Cotton went and grabbed it before the flames could. She ran down and felt dizzy. Shadow and sonata saw. Shadow helped cotton get fresh air. "Sonata help her our!"screamed shadow

Sonata nodded and tulip helped find an open space where cotton could go. Cotton dept the fresh air and then heard a window break. Something pushed her to the window and she jumped out. Cherry saw and ran towards her. "Cotton!"screamed cherry

"You can't pass"said an officer

"Screw you! You can't tell me what to do! Who do you think you are!"screamed cherry

She pushed the officer to the side and went to cottons side. "Omg cotton are you alright?"said cherry

Cotton coughed and gave the bag to cherry. "What's this?"asked cherry

Cherry opened it and saw cotton had went back to pick up some belongings from each person cherry loved. Cotton then gave her the teddy bear. Cherry took it and held it. It was her first birthday gift. Everyone helped pay for it. It was a special kind of bear. And inside it carried all the good wishes her family put in for her. She cried and held the teddy bear close. Cotton got up and grabbed the bag and took cherries hand. "Lets go"said cotton

Cherry nodded and walked with cotton. Cherry looked at the once more burning building. She sighed and kept walking with cotton. Soon they arrived at a house. It was pretty big. Cotton opened the door and let cherry inside. She threw the keys to the side and put down the bag. "Welcome to my home"said cotton

"Its pretty big"said cherry

Cotton still holding cherries hand took her to the kitchen "what would you like?

"Something light"said cherry

Cotton nodded and started making food. "What's special about that bear?"asked cotton

"Well"said cherry

She told her what the bear was and what meaning it had. Cotton came tonrealize what has happened. It want fair she made cherry go threw that. Cotton went and hugged cherry. Cherry hugged back. It didn't feel so right. It was sweet but bitter too. It had a bitter sweet taste

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