Chapter 15: the harmony, shadow, and blood bell

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Aria kept kicking the door. Each time it hurt. Melody looked at her and rolled her yes. "Give up why won't you! We are stuck in here for god! Why keep going when everyone is going to die"said melody passed off

Aria kicked the door once more and then sat down. "I got so many problems but your not one of them or are going to be one"said aria

"Guys stop it. Instead of fighting we should work together to get out"said harmony

"Well we are out of power and the only one with powers ditched us!"yelled adagio

Soon the four of them started fighting. Throwing their anger at each other. The door opened and clover was there. "Can you please shut up!"said clover

"Can you please stop being an ass?"said adagio

Clover was about to slap her when aria got in the way and grabbed his hand in mid air. "Don't you ever try to lay a hand on my sister or friends! I swear ill crack your head if you do! You may have taken sonata away from me but your not taking adagio away from me!"snapped aria

Clover jerked his hand away and slapped aria. "Aria!"screamed harmony

Aria held her cheek and growled. Clover kicked her to the floor. "No don't hurt her!"screamed adagio

Adagio tried to stop clover. But clover smacked her down. Melody tried and just got throw to the wall. Clover looked at harmony. "Come on ill give you a free bee"said clover

Harmony backed up to the wall. Aria laid on the ground trying to hand on to the world. Her head spun but she tried to keep it still. Clover walked up to harmony and harmony backed up till the felt the cold wall. Clover pinned her to the wall. Harmony started shaking. She had her hand behind her back. "Why are you so scared?"said clover as her creased her cheek

"You hurt my friends........why shouldn't I be scared?........but"said harmony

"But what?"said clover

"But your stupid to come here with out a weapon"said harmony

She revealed to have a piece of glass and dig it deep into his shoulder. She pushed him off and tried getting everyone up. "Guys get up! Come on guys!"said harmony

But they wouldn't wake up. "Ill go get help!"said harmony

"Dad!!!"screamed out clover

Harmony ran to the door and soon was stopped by tulips dad. This woke everyone up. "Ugh harmony"said adagio

"Leave my sister alone"said melody weakly

"And where do you think your going"said tulips dad

He punched harmony and made her fall. He dragged her out of the room. "Melody!!! Melody help me!!"screamed harmony

Tulips dad jerked harmony out of the room and slammed the door. Melody held her stomach and groaned in pain. Clover too out the glass and growled. "She will pay for this"said clover

"You stay away from my sister or ill kill you and send you to hell"said melody

"Ha. I would like to see you try"said clover

He slapped her and walked out. "Harmony!"screamed melody

Adagio held aria. Melody cried and curled up to a ball. Sonata saw and sighed. "This isn't what I had in mind for a happy ending"said sonata

"Sweetie every fairy tail has a happy ending"said dragon


Everyone backed up and gave sonata her space. Sonata sighed and walked off. "Why am I acting this way?"asked sonata

Soon everyone heard someone screaming. Tulips dad cut her and pour alcohol on her cut. Harmony screamed only to get slapped by tulips mom. "No!"screamed shadow

Tulip growled "stop hurting her!!!!!!"

Tulip screamed and let out a burst of energy causing everything to tremble. He cry sounded like the cry of a bird. Tulips dad dropped the knife. Tulip eyes were red. "You better stop hurting her or i swear ill haunt you at night!"snapped tulip

Harmony used this chance to get up and crawl in pain to the near by window. Shadow made opening the widow easier for harmony. Harmony saw it was a long drop. "At least this could end my pain"said harmony

She crawled out and fell. Shadow managed to get strength to catch her. "Hey?"said harmony

Something was holding her but she didn't know what. Then she smelled shadows colon. "Shadow? Shadow is that you?"said harmony

Shadow placed her down and kicked a pebble. "Shadow! Omg shadow! Thank you for saving me"said harmony

"Shhh! Now go get the others"said shadow

Harmony felt something push her in the direction that lead out oft he woods. "You got it"said harmony

She started walking that way. Sonata was in a place by her self. Soon she heard something. "Whose there?"asked sonata

She saw blood red eyes. Soon what came out was a girl. She had black and red hair, pale skin, blood red eyes, and she was wearing a red long sleeve, black skinny jeans and black shoes. "Hello there. Names bell fire. In guessing your and upset soul"said bell

"What do you want?"said sonata

"Well you see in golden friend. Im in her team called the rise. She called for back up. And who else but the girl with the flames and ability to talk to the dead"said bell

"Your here to help?"said sonata

"Absolutely. But first i need you to get all of your ghost friend so we can make a combat!"said bell

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