Chapter 2: Unexpected Encounter

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay, Miss Brittany Miller?" Tim asked, while holding her.

Brittany, who still in shock and confused, is speechless. She's trying to process what just happen. Did someone bump into her? And when she was about to fell down, Tim catches her?

"Ye—yeah. I'm fine. Thank you." She blush. And awkwardly step back from Tim. Both Chipmunks and Chipettes who were witnessing this, just looking at Brittany before they're realize they haven't asked if she's okay.

"Brittany are you okay?" Both Jeanette and Eleanor quickly ran to Brittany, worried.

"I'm fine guys. No need to worry." Brittany replied. Thanks to Tim, she didn't feel hurt at all.

"Hey Alvin, watch where you're going!" Eleanor yelled at him. It's not the kind of I-hate-you-get-lost yelled, but more like friendly yelled. Both Chipmunks and Chipettes were close after all.

"It's okay Eleanor, you don't have to yell." Brittany trying to calm her down. She can be really scary if she's angry after all, and Brittany trying to prevent that. At least in front of Tim.

"It appears Mr. Seville weren't paying attention to where he was going. It could be very dangerous you see." Tim stated, while Alvin was in shock. Like what the hell is this dude was talking about? It almost feels like Tim was lecturing him, and Alvin doesn't like that. He doesn't like anyone lecturing him (except for Dave or Simon on some occasion), because he follows no one. He know he can be selfish sometimes, but he still young and he wanted to have the best time of his life before becoming an adult with all that responsibility.

Also the way he called him 'Mr. Seville' and Brittany 'Miss Miller', it's rarely for a high school students to talk that polite. It's just so weird to Alvin.

"But I'm relive that you are fine, Miss Miller." Tim smiling at Brittany. She couldn't say anything and just smiling back at him.

"Then, I'll see you later." Tim kiss Brittany's hand and make everyone who were witnessing this surprised, especially Alvin, who still sitting on the ground. Brittany blushing really hard. Tim then walked away, leaving the Chipmunks and Chipettes in shock.

"Wait, what just happen?"

* * *

"You guys, I forgot to say thank you to Tim." Brittany said, while sitting with her sister at lunch.

"Go say thank you then." Eleanor, who was about to take a bite of her lunch, suggested.

"I can't. I don't know what to say." Brittany confused. Both Eleanor and Jeanette were looking at each other.

"You can say thank you for catching you." This time it's Jeanette suggestion.

"No, it has to be more than just a simple thank you." Brittany think, think, and think. Is her sister right? Should she just say 'thank you'? But Tim is someone she's admire, she wanted to say more than that.

"Well, you better think fast because I see Tim over there." Eleanor quickly disrupt Brittany's thought, and making her freak out. "Oh my..."

Brittany turn around to see Tim. Both Eleanor and Jeanette were also looking at Tim. She turns back to her sister and asked, "How do I look?"

"You look fine, Brit." Both said and agreed. "Now go thank him."

Brittany stands up and walking towards Tim. Tim was carrying his lunch tray and was about to sit down when Brittany appears in front of him. "Hello, Tim."

Tim recognize that sweet voice. He turns to look at her and smiled. "Oh hello Miss Miller, have you had any lunch?"

"Yes actually, I'm already ate with my sister." Brittany answered. She follows him to the nearest table and sit in front of him. Tim put his lunch tray on the table, and asking her back. "I see. Did you enjoy your food?"

"Yes, today's lunch menu is really delicious. You should try it..." After saying that, Brittany then realize Tim haven't even touched his food from the moment she talk to him. Silly her, talking about how delicious the food is while he hasn't even taste it. "Yeah I forgot you were about to eat and I disturb you."

"No no, it's fine. You're not disturbing me at all." Tim is trying to cheer her up, and it worked. Brittany then say what she wanted to say in the first place. "Actually I wanted to thank you about earlier, about this morning... You save me."

"The pleasure is mine, Miss Miller. Glad to help people." Tim is a polite man after all, no wonder he answered like that. But Brittany was bothered by the way the called her 'Miss Miller' so she suggest him to call her by her name.

"Also, you can stop calling me Miss Miller and just call me Brittany."

"Okay Miss Brittany."

"No, not Miss. Just Brittany."

"Okay, Brittany?"

Both of them laughed. Suddenly the bell rang. Lunch time is over. Brittany realize she took all of Tim's lunch time by talking to her instead of eating, and she looks really guilty. "Oh my God, lunch is over and you haven't even eat yet."

"It's fine, Brittany. I can eat later." Tim trying to say he's fine and not hungry, and that he doesn't mind eating later. But Brittany still felt the guilt.

"I'm so sorry. First you save me and now I steal your lunch time. How should I repay you? Do you want me to buy you some snack or anything?" She sounds really apologetic. Even though sometimes Brittany can be selfish, but deep down she's actually care about people more than herself. She just rarely show it though.

"You can have dinner with me, tonight." He smiled, with his calm tone. Brittany was surprise and almost didn't believe what she just heard.

"Dinner? As in a date?" She asked, making sure he wasn't teasing her or something. But Tim is serious. Brittany can see it through his eyes that he's not the kind of man that would randomly asked a girl on a date.

"Yeah, I'll pick you up at 7. Sounds good?"


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