[ 33 ] 2014

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[ 33 ] 2014


"What's up with Calum today? He's a jerk and all, but he's not one to do something like that. Especially not to you."


Unsuspecting, Harley Quinn got in the shower and got ready for her competition. When she was done, she and Andrea asked Calum and Niall to drive them to school. They had stopped in front of Calum's car, which Conrad was highly impressed with. Cars had surely advanced a lot in the last fifty years, and as Harley looked to him expectantly, he realized he would be expected to drive them to school. He gulped a bit nervously. He was sure that he could do it and eventually get the hang of it. The problem was that he would have some trouble in the beginning, which would easily make them all suspect him. 

Instead he got the keys out of his pocket and tossed them at Niall, which was equally as confusing to them. "You drive, mate." The boy with raven hair suggested. 

The three other teenagers looked at him with confusion. Niall and Calum were friends, and went way back. They had met on a school youth trip to Ireland one year. St. Genevieve's Middle Academy had gone on a trip to Europe, visiting with their sibling school St. Patrick's. At that school, the students dormed on campus and only went home during the holidays. Calum had been set up to share a room with Niall for a week. Calum couldn't exactly say that he actually liked Niall at first. He found him to be a bit annoying and every bit of a slob whenever he ate. But they had the same kind of supernatural abilities and that made him somewhat tolerable. Also, his grandfather had explained that whenever he found another shifter like himself, it was wise to befriend them. He never knew when he'd need an ally. 

But as much as Calum actually appreciated Niall and Andrea, he never let anyone else drive his car. His car was his prized possession, a gift from his parents when he became old enough to learn to drive. It was one of the last things from them that he still had. A beautiful black Camaro that was brand new when they bought it for him.

Niall had caught the keys in his hands and both Calum and Harley went in the car first to sit in the back. Niall and Andrea would be sitting in the front. As soon as they sat down, Con--using Calum's body--placed a hand on Harley's thigh. She felt like something was off about it when she felt him give her a squeeze. But she let it go for the moment. The ride to school would be short anyway, and she would probably talk to him about it once they could be in private. But it was something she thought he would know by now. She didn't like anyone touching her without her permission.

They reached the school just in time for the ceremony and the administration allowed Calum to enter the school for the pep rally despite the fact that he was no longer a student of the school. The girls met up outside of the gym with the other cheerleaders and Con looked around the back exit to the gym. It was almost like he remembered it with some things only slightly different. He also found that by looking at the faces of some of the girls there, he had known many of the people who were probably their grandparents. 

He walked over to Harley, who was animatedly chatting with a group of four other girls. One of them wore a jacket with the word Captain on it, as well as the last name Hemmings. Conrad was surprised that someone with that last name could be so pretty. Where he came from in the past, Lucas Hemmings was a loser and no one would give him the time of day, other than his nerdy leadership friends. But that last name was unmistakeable. She had to be a part of that family. As a teacher walked over and informed them that it was ten more minutes until their performance for the students of St. Genevieve's, Con walked over to Calum's girlfriend and placed a hand on the small of her back.

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