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koro-sensei looked at me smiling as wide as it was possible which looked disturbing at some point. "That you for your compliment." you said plainly with a shy grin on your face.

You could feel that all eyes were focussed on you. Ecspecially from the red heads. But you know,he is good looking, so i dont mind his eyes on me. Oh god,his eyes on somehwere else than my back would be even bet-- wait,i am having class right now,stay.focused. you got this Y/N.

The class started and it didn't feel like a monster teaching us. AT ALL. It was somehow unusual but normal at the same time,but you don't care aslong as the grades are fine. I mean,i didnt only come into class 3E for the reason to kill,but also because my grades were...very....low..... But I just hope he will teach us good enough so we will at least have a bit more knowledge in our brains before and a bit more money in our pockets after he died. By me of course.

After we had math,which wasn't my proudest subjecct,we had english with a 'bitch'-sensei and i really disliked her. I mean, i don't think that talking about sexual intercourse will help out some kiddos that maybe wanna be teachers,doctors or architects one day. At least she wasn't that bad at english,she was okay for a russian-japanese bitch mix. I,of course, was better because i spoke and wrote english more often and grew up with it. I owned her when i corrected her at the 'Let's us have fun tonight'-part. I mean, dont teach kids english that is wrong. Anyway...

The class went out of the classroom when the bell ringed and I got questions from everywhere. 'how did you do that?''did you always have classes?''you are so talented,i bet youre gonna kill him!'and so on and so on... Everyone said something except that attractive red head karma. But hey,you know what they say,... KARMA IS A BITCH!!  I hurt Koro-Seinsei and even on second try!! The teacher even mentioned that he didnt hurt him once!! couldnt he at least say something??? Getting starred at just like that is not as pleasant as it may sound.

Yes,his looks could kill but the look in his eyes while starring at me would do the same damage...

After half an hour or so of getting and answering questions i got and feling a bit more welcome in my new class,I went home the last of our class....or so i thought.

As i wanted to take the first step down on the mega stairs,i noticed a sound behind me. I quickly turned around only to gaze at the one and only karma. I didnt even try to talk, with that look in his mercury eyes,i could swear he'd stab me right then and there. When i turned around to go home and escape the bloodlust-ing boy behind me,i felt a hand grabbing my wrist and a soft but still serious "Hey!" with an angry undertone..or was it maybe jelousy..?


I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT WRITING IN WEEKS!!! i didnt sleep for a long while and still havent found a good sleep rythm,anywayyyy thank you so much for reading!! i know that 16 reads and 4 votes might not sound much but it means a lot to me!! THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN!! love you byeeee <3

Karma X ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon