the new student

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The monster had destroyed the moon now a month ago and the govement told me about the mission they need to fullfill.

i got chosen to kill him because of my skilled and focused shooting,i took classes since i was 13. My family thought i wanted to change schools but if they knew it was a must and would find out the reason why,they would have never made the decision to leet me go.

I was walking up the hill,i thought i have almost reached the top which was good because my legs hurt like hell. I may have been good at targeting but really working out was never meant for me. Finally at the top,i saw this little building that wasnt having his best times. As i walked into the building,i heard shooting noises and somebody loudly asking for a tomohito?? I guessed it was one of my new classmates. As i walked down the halls the noises were getting louder ever step i took further to the door at the end of this floor. THen i saw it.


I knocked on the door but no one seemed to notice because of these loud shots. I waited for another 3 minutes until the shooting stopped and knocked on the door three times in a row. "Come in!" said a loud and happy voice. I opened the door and saw the yellow tentacle monster witha bright smile on his face. "Everybody,this is our new student Y/N! She will help killing me!" he show a gesture of you to come next to him infront of the class,you obediently went there. "Please all welcome her!" and with that the whole class stood up,bowed and said in a melodic voice "Welcome Y/N!", "Thank you.." i muffled. The octopus turned to me and asked "Would you like to tell something about yourself?" i nodded quickly and looked at the class, " Hello,my name is Y/N L/N and i am (how much you want) old. I came here because of my shoting skills and percise targeting,it's a pleasure to meet you all!". After i finished my sentence i boowedd out of respect.

"Well then, won't we all introduce ourselves then?" said the octopus with an even wider smile,which i didn't think would be possible to be honest."I'll start!" a green haired girl shouted while raising her hand. "Go on",the teacher allowed her. "So,my name is Kaede Kayano and i like cooking and making friends, I hope we'll get along!" she grinned at me with one of gthe kindest smiles i've seen. I smiled at her back.

"My name is Nagisa and i hope we'll get along too." this blue haired girl said while shily smiling at me. "Me too,but i think girls get along very well most of the time" i said nervously answering her. At that moment everbody started laughing. Did i do something wrong??? Thee girl looked at me, " I am a...b-boy...". "OH MY GOD I AM SO SORRY FOR MISTAKING YOU AS A GIRL." i shouted while feeling so embarressed. How can i be so dumb and make a mistake while introducing?????? "Say how well do you fire then?" i heared somebody say from the back of the class. "Huh?" i idiotically asked. "You heared me,shoot that monster if youre so good." a boy,with red hair and piercing goldish-mercuury eyes replied, "You have three trys." he addded with an evil little smirk on his face. "Karma, you could've inntroduced yourself first at least." the monster-teacher said in a kind of angry tone. "But you just did introduce me right, Koro-sensei?" The teacher looked kind of stressed and annoed even though his smile was still on his face. "You can't even shoot me Karma can't you,so why should-","No,let me try." I interrupted 'koro-sensei'with a plain look on my face looking at him. "ooohh,i like this kind of behaviour." he said in a melodic tone in his voice.


THATS THE FIRST CHAPTER!! i hope you (if someone will even read this) enjoyed this,comment and vote for suggestions and critic!!! love ya <3

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